Working mum debate

Anon Imperfect Mum

Working mum debate

Is it just me or does any other mums feel completely fed up with being bashed for working? I see so many memes going around about how putting your kids into care to go to work isn't worth it etc. sometimes it not just about money. Sometimes it's about sanity too!

Whether you're a stay at home mum or a working mum, respect each other's choices. I work for a reason and that's my reason and no one else's prerogative to comment on it. There's enough guilt flying around without everyone judging you for the choices you make.

Hands up to ALL mums no matter what choices you have to make for the good of your family!

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, IM's In Business, Money

11 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don't let them bother you.
I'm a working mum part time and a SAHM part time.
It's what works for my family. Screw anyone else they can make there choices and I'll make mine. As long as my family are thriving it's no ones business

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think it's time to re-evaluate who your friends are if those memes are coming up in your feed.
But honestly most people share that stuff to justify there own life choices without thought or care about the judgements they are projecting. Which means they are probably uncaring people.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh gosh, you are not alone! I've actually stopped telling people i am a sahm because I get judged. Damned if you do, damned if you don't! Do what makes YOU happy, don't ever feel like you have to justify yourself to anyone.....I should probably take some of my own advice hahaha.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Honestly people will judge you as a mother no matter what you do. Be it working or staying home, breast feeding or bottle feeding, public school or private school I could go on and on.
I'm on the opposite side of this, I've been a sahm for 9 years, my youngest is in school this year and I used to always feel judged for not working or not putting my kids in day care because apparently if you don't your kids will have no social skills won't cope with school blah blah blah.
If it works for your family screw everyone else.
P.s. I really hate those type of memes, it's like a snide little way people use to make themselves feel better about their parenting. Lol

Anon Imperfect Mum

Ignore it. Its wonky thinking that childcare is all the womans wage. How archaic really holding women back. As if it wasnt hard enough but to think of it that way... Both parents SHOULD have equal right to careers and pension savings etc etc etc.
also on a personal note its a myth. I was so scared to go backto work because this is all i hear but im so much better off.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I just got a job after being a SAHM for 2 years and I've gotten nothing but praise. When I wasn't working I was criticised A LOT. You can't win.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I've been both and to be honest I'm a damn lot prouder of working me vs SAHM me. Why? More organised because I have to be. More focussed, driven to succeed, able to afford a comfortable life for us. I have a great career long before my peers, I don't have to decide between braces for my son or food on the table and with a steady income there's much to look forward to in the future. It's really the biggest trade off. Comfort and missing the odd milestone or being there for everything but potentially sacrificing future goals.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Judged as a stay at home mum as well for being "lazy".. ? Can't win. Will always be something for people the have a sook about.
You do you

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes same here. Then when I got a job I got "At least you won't be relying on the government now"...I said to them my partner works and I rely on him not the government..

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think you're damned if you do & damned if you don't :-/ I work once a week & I'm a SAHM the rest of the week & get hammered for that too. Never mind that it just works for our family & NEEDS to be like this for now. There shouldn't be judgement though, you are absolutely right!! Whatever works!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Im completely fed up with being bashed for staying at home and Married. I get it all the time. Like Its old fashioned. Yes it is and our family adore it. I also adore being home and it works for us as you do what suits you. Its called running your own race and ignoring the others. Hard to master but success once you can.
