I was just wondering how any mothers of 3 include breast pumping into their daily routines.
I have a 5 yr old in prep that i drop off and pick up everyday, ( have to obviously walk to classrooms as they aren't allowed to leave without parent)
i have a 2 year old as well as a 3 month old.
Have a partner who's in the navy, as well as a step son who we pick up every weekend and have for holidays.
due to my sons bad lip tie, he can't attach properly, even had the snip and still, reattached. i was just wondering if its possible to fit in breast pumping?. I keep forgetting. And when i don't my 2 year old is demanding, Cleaning needs to be done, food needs to be made and stops to the shops need to me run. Any advice would be great please, keep in mind that i have had every single professional advice i can get! EVERY! I have exhausted each professional as much as i could and i'm left with.. express you're milk. I'm not against formula feeding as my baby's being fed it now, but i'd love to get some boobie milk in.
How to fit in Breastfeeding
How to fit in Breastfeeding
Posted in:
Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding
2 Replies
Stop punishing yourself. Pumping when you have one child and a super hands on supportive partner is hard enough. Many many women can't breastfeed for many many reasons. That doesn't make you or your body a failure! It's just part of life. Formula was invented for this entire reason. 200 years ago your child would of been fed by a wet nurse (if you were wealthy).
I refused to have a pump near me on my second. If its what you choose make time for it just as you would do to breastfeed. Or take the pressure off and do it when you can and comp feed. Dont forget its only really hard and such a huge effort while theyre so young, in a few months theyll be eating and drinking less often.