How Long To Heal From Domestic Violence? What can I do?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How Long To Heal From Domestic Violence? What can I do?

Hi - i am frustrated in myself for suffering so much. I left last May and I still find life so difficult to enjoy!
I just miss being my old self and feeling how i used to. I feel emotionally drained and emotionally detached. I want to feel again and feel more than low, sad and emotional.
I am studying now, and looking for work and really drowning in bills but that's another problem. I want to feel again. I want to not feel anxious all the time and like I am burdened.
I feel lonely and I don't want to feel alone.
What have other survivors done to help with healing? X

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Money

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I feel your pain.. i left over a year ago and i still have soo much guilt. mainly guilt for my kids.. they suffered mentallly and i was to scared to leave.. i to need to heal and i just dont know where to start.. i think its common to feel this way.. hugs to you xox

Anon Imperfect Mum

I left 8 years ago but have had several incidents with him since. I've only recently allowed myself to acknowledge the extent of the abuse when I was in the relationship. Its hitting me hard now!
You need to get counselling to help process your feelings. Your feelings are all 100% normal. I would suggest seeing your doctor too to. Book a double appointment and talk to your doctor about your experience and your feelings. Beautiful lady, you have taken an enormous amazing step. You are obviously a very strong person. Xxxx all the best on your journey.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It sounds like you may have depression (and who could blame you!). Depression is often categorized as excessive sadness but it can also be feelings of detachment and feeling like an outsider looking in.

Please, speak to your GP. They can help you with a mental Health Plan and get you into subsidized councilling sessions with a pshycologist.

It's hard to ask for help, and scary, but it is THE BEST thing you can do for yourself.

- sincerely, A Long Term Sufferer
