This may be a really silly question, but looking for some assurance from those families whom travel overseas with different surnames to their children. To cut a long story short, I had kept my ex’s name after our divorce. And whilst I appreciate some mums out there would find this cringe worthy, it didn’t bother me as my mum did the same. So moving forward, I have now recently remarried and looking at changing my name. And here is the silly question; whilst traveling overseas getting into and out of the country and also at your travel destination, did people encounter issues if they didn’t have the same surname as their children? So if hubby and myself travel with Master 8, but our surname is different to his, would we encounter problems? (And yes this is with his dad’s full consent to go away on holidays and no we would never dream of changing his name as he dad is very much a part of his life). Thanking you all in advance with sharing your experiences.
4 Replies
I have 2 kids with 2 dads (still with my youngest child's dad) and all 3 of us (my kids and I) have a different last name. I've never encountered a problem yet with anything whether it be school, daycare, travel, doctors, any forms's pretty easy to prove they are my kids as I'm on their birth certificate as well as other paper work like with Centrelink and Medicare etc :)
I never had an issue travelling overseas with my mum who had a different surname :) If in doubt, take a copy of the birth certificate with you as proof.
I have a different surname to my son, every time I took him overseas to sea my family, I had my now ex ( together at the time) if he was coming with us copy the photo page of his passport, then write on the back of it that he was my sons father that he knew that we were traveling and the dates of travel and his number for someone to contact if needed, then he signed it, I traveled for 5 years like this, and not once was I questioned nor did
Airport staff see the letters. I also took a certified copy of my sons birth certificate.
My son has a different surname.
I took him to the UK as it was just us immigration in the U.K. advised next time to make sure I have a copy of his birth certificate with us just incase.
His father (who has the same surname) took him overseas he took a copy of the birth certificate and also had a stat dec wrote up and I signed stating that he was the father and I had agreed to the holiday with the dates on it for if there was an issue with immigration anywhere