Not feeling attached to my son

Anon Imperfect Mum

Not feeling attached to my son

I don't feel attached to my son. He is almost 10, I have been a single parent for majority of this time. It has had its ups and downs as most families do.
I am finding myself feeling guilty a lot of late. He kind of does his own thing, and is quite independent. I feel like I don't pay him any attention, we don't have any special activities we do together and I look at other mothers and can't help but feel jealous of the time they have with their kids.
I work 2 jobs, and my son and I have a great bond. I had him young, so we got to grow up together. Sometimes our minds are so alike its scary. I love him and I can't bare the thought of life without him, he has been my saviour so many times.
Why all of a sudden am I feeling this guilt? How do I feel attached to him? I don't know what other word to use to explain how I feel.
Any suggestions or similar feelings and what you have done to overcome this?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It seems you do have a connection maybe you feel this way because it doesn't seem the same as others. Find some time to be together to do some fun activities that's how bonding happens. Through interactions.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I could have so wrote this! The only difference being my son is a few years younger.
I look back on things we used to do and have fun when he was a lot younger probably around the time I left his father and wonder why isn't it like that anymore, and all I can think of is he's no longer a toddler and is happy doing his own thing.
I aim for a day out once every second month, get the bus/train somewhere.
And about to join marshal arts together.
I know I've got that bond but quiet often it feels like it's not there.
Are the other mothers you look at and have the feeling of jealousy single or partnered? Partnered parents really do not understand the struggles of a single parent as we have no one to back us up or to turn to when we need that support
