Kindergarten kids not being included

Anon Imperfect Mum

Kindergarten kids not being included

Do you think it is right that the kindergarten children do not go to assembly like the rest of the school, and when they finally get to go only the quiet ones get to go.
Shouldn't all kindergarten children go not just quiet one they are part of the school and how are they going to learn if they do not get to participate or be present at assembly.
Not the first time they have been excluded from things.
As I just being crazy or fairs fair to all students.
Note: have asked son's teacher and she passed back to the principal....who passed it back to son's going round in circle there.
They have always gone to assembly at start of the year....we are in term 2 now...a lot has changed since my big boy went to kindergarten(3yrs ago) I hate to think what the new parents to the school are feeling.

Thank you for your opinion

Posted in:  Education, Kids

14 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Nope, it's just assembly. Plenty more years to come. I'd prefer them in the classroom/outdoors doing playtime. Save the serious stuff for later on.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Even if kindergaten here is 3 full days a week, so it is not something they are at for a few hours a is school to me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

3 full days a week? So that's not even first year of school. I'm surprised they send ANY of the kids at all.
Most kids that age can manage 15 minutes maximum of sitting still and being quiet. Mat time at that age group usually consists of moving around activities plus a story. They have plenty of time to learn how to sit in assembly and the vast majority of kids will learn to manage assembly without practice as they mature.
I'd be grateful my 4 year old doesn't have to sit through it. Sitting in assembly will not contribute to a child's academic success in anyway.

Anon Imperfect Mum

That is first year of school here. Then in to prep for full time school

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes id be more unhappy if they were sending them too.
Perhaps the 'if youre quiet' is a reminder how quiet they need to be and they just take a few each time for the experience. I doubt they favour andrub it in to the children who cant do it yet, theyre very young for that expectation.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is one of those things I think just isn't important. School assembly is a big waste of time. If your kid isn't going it probably means they are getting more practice at important things, rather than sitting in on an assembly.
As someone who has worked in schools as teachers aid we often pulled some kids from assembly. Educationally it serves no real purpose and most kids just vague out!

The best schools are the schools who have assembly rarely!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Kindy kids really struggle with the size and length of assembly and they really dont understamd whats going on, so its very hard on them to sit through. It might be building them up to it as theyre individually ready but I doubt achools do that. I know a school tat send the kindy kids off early on so its ust a taster, and keep the older ones for the oter information.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Meh I wouldn't worry about it. It's just assembly. I rarely remember the stuff being said at mine when I was at school. It's not a big deal.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Personally, I'd let it be. There will be plenty more assemblies to come in the future. They are still only 4 or 5. They are not being excluded because the principal is mean - just practically it makes sense.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You're over reacting, even some of the prep kids struggle with assembly (or parade as my kids school calls it these days). Kindy is optional, it's to prepare them for prep and the following schooling years, there's no way my kindy aged child would sit through assembly

Anon Imperfect Mum

It is not about being fair!!! It sounds like your school considers the kids and their capabilities, instead of marching all the kids to assembly and setting them up to fail and disturb the other kids, they have found an alternative. They will learn from doing it when they are mature and capable enough. I think this is a sign of a good school, not sure what your issue is? Are you a kinder teacher, I'm guessing you're not!

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's actually a big expectation for little ones to be quiet and sit still for a long period of time..I agree they have lots of school life to go to assembly.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I wouldn't make an issue out of it. I'm sure the kindy kids aren't devistated they aren't forced to sit still through a boring assembly!
Let it go...they will get to go to assembly eventually, when they are older. I wouldnt be offended!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Both of my kids attended kindergarten in QLD in the last few years, and neither of them had to attend chapel/assembly, thank goodness. They're 4 years old! Some of them only 3.5. They'll have years and years and YEARS of assemblies ahead of them in the next 12-13 years. At our school, they still get to be involved in the school in other ways, and the principal and chaplain spend time with them throughout the year. I would imagine other schools have a similar set-up. They're too little to comprehend most of what goes on at assembly, why put them through it for a perceived sense of justice, when they'll barely even remember anything that happens there?
