Delayed maybe

Anon Imperfect Mum

Delayed maybe

Hi imperfect mum's my daughter is 2 she has hearing aids as she has mild to moderate hearing loss, she was born 11 weeks early any way she is on track with everything apart from her speech it's a little bit behind anyway she has a cousin basically the same age as her and he is talking in 3word sentences, and is also using a tablet and has a spelling and tracing game on it he doesn't put the letter in order eg dog he would put the o where it should be first then the d then the g so in a way he is actually spelling it but not the right letters first anyway my girl can't do stuff like that and I feel as people with think she is slow, maybe I'm just being silly I know you shouldn't compare children

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Education, Baby & Toddler, Milestones, Kids

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

No shes not. Mine also doesnt play ipad or spelling memory games theres absolutely no benefit to that anyway. Remember its not about a list of wHt they can do academically it will help you not compare or compete with others. Kids under five need nature and nuture thats the best start they could get.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She will be behind, it's a given, she has to work harder to understand and implement due to her hearing loss.
Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with her, and doesn't mean anyone else will think there is either, not that it matters if they did

Anon Imperfect Mum

There is a huge developmental difference between 2 year olds. But a lot will catch up or even out.
He isn't spelling he is using trial and error until the tablet makes a good sound it's an entirely different skill set.
I'm assuming you see a speech therapist and I assume you have a paediatrician who is tracking your daughter. There input is who is be seeking for feedback.

Wether a two year old can use an iPad or not is not a reflection on how your child will be throughout her life.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son couldn't hear for over a year, had 95% hearing loss in both ears dues to fluid on his ears. He was slow to learn at first, he six now and a very advanced reader for kindergarten even though his speech isn't perfect. He can pronounce over 100 dinosaur names, some that even I can't pronounce. I wouldn't worry and would give it time. Work with your baby but make sure you enjoy every moment instead of worrying over how far behind she may or may not be. Hugs momma

Anon Imperfect Mum

Is she seeing a speechy?

It's hard to not compare at times, try to just focus on what she can do, the miracle that she is, and that your journey (as a family) is different to others. You'll still have tough moments as a mum but you adapt, priorities change xx
