Financial stress vent

Anon Imperfect Mum

Financial stress vent

Hi ladies how are you?
Well I'm stressed I'm so financially stressed I'm going to explode. My husband suffers anxiety and is doing his best. We have two small kids.
Townsville is in a bit of a downturn and he is working casually. I was working but since the birth of our second baby who has some pretty serious medical concerns I'm a few months off returning to work due to that. My poor baby has multiple medicines every day. We are usually smart with money and infront however job loss has hit us hard and we are trying to get back on track. My husband only gets paid when he works and when he needs to have time off to care for our eldest whilst I attend hospital he doesn't get paid also add in public holidays at the beginning of the year we are broke.
We need $700 a week to cover bills at the moment
Cars, Phone, mortgage, insurance (not food or fuel or medicine)
We never usually live above our means but all the medication and time off has hit hard.
We don't eat out, we didn't celebrate Mother's Day with gifts but I did get to have a sleep so that was pretty cool.
I don't know what I'm even trying to achieve with this post just trying to vent I guess I need someone to hear my stresses because my poor husband is busting his backside to keep us afloat until my baby is well enough to head off to daycare so I can get to work again.
We have exhausted all avenues with our mortgage etc and they won't let us have an extension on it :(

I'm sorry this is long and a downer but I needed to vent to someone without adding more pressure to my husband.
I just don't know what to do!

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Money

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hugs honey!! I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
Can you look into community centres near you, to see if they can offer food hampers? Try contacting centerlink and see what you're available to receive. Any parenting or carers payments. A health care card will help lots with the price of medicines if you can get one.
Good luck!! I hope everything picks up for your family soon xx
