What do I look for in a Kindergarten?

Anon Imperfect Mum

What do I look for in a Kindergarten?

Hi Mumma's, just want to know what I need to look for in a kindergarten? First time for me actually and I'm not quite sure. Some great tips and advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

Posted in:  Education, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

That depends a bit on your priorities.
For me an inclusive kindergarten, that focused on play based learning that included school readiness programs like story time (sitting on the mat), pre-literacy skills (like story time where the children are encouraged to fill in the word in the rhyme etc).
Kindergarten for me is all about learning through play, building motor skills through play etc.
I valued the director at our kindy because she was honest when my son really needed to wait a year longer to go to school.
I also loved the project based learning cooking, building etc

I was disinterested in any kindergarten that pushed an academic agenda. I saw one that was teaching times tables and doing worksheets. Most kindergarteners do not have the underlying understanding required to master those concepts so it was rote learning at its worst.

Anon Imperfect Mum

If you know what school theyll go to, choose one that introduces the same phonics system. For me it was natural open environment, small class, kind teachers, lots of nature and play and freedom and community involvement.
