My daughter is in Year 6.
A girl was making slime and selling it at school. Another teacher was not happy and banned it.
Instead of turning this into a negative my daughters teacher got permission to create a "slime business" with the class with all the money going to a charity.
We need more teachers like this, those creative thinkers who go above and beyond to turn things into a positive learning experience.
The class will each have different roles and are now learning how a business works and what makes a good business.
Instead of seeing this girl as a trouble maker she instead told her that she would be a very successful business woman when she is older.
I just wanted to share this for no reason other than it made me smile.
2 Replies
Awesome, my nephew has set up a Nespresso coffee stall in his school staff room one morning a week. He sells the coffee with profits going to charity.
He was labelled the bad kid at his old school.
My mum has been a teacher for over 30 years and she LOVES the so called bad kids. She said they are the ones usually with great ideas, with something to give but people look past all the positives and focus on a few small mistakes or issues. She used to teach kids of a gangland fella. Kids were notorious in school (well, in their 2 previous schools). But she said they were the best kids. Great sense of humour, so protective of her because she showed them love and interest. Its been over 10 years and she still talks about those kids with such pride.
Its easy to dismiss kids who are not same as others.