How to stop your child putting their hand inside the nappy and smudging it on the floor?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How to stop your child putting their hand inside the nappy and smudging it on the floor?

Hi I have a 2 and a half yr old child whom I have been trying to potty train.
I have come to a stage where i have lost my mind when I have repeatedly caught him put his hand inside his nappy pulls out his poo and smudge it anywhere where he stands.

At first I have I tried teaching him that it's yuck and not to touch it .. Then when things got further he kept doing it over and over again when I am busy with something and I expect other family members to keep watching him.
I still open 10 eyes and watch when he isolated himself ready to do it but then I grab him to sit on the potty and do it..
I have honestly run out of patience and at times I had to punish him and smack his bottom or a hit on the hand .. I need to know if this is normal or has anyone came across this behavior and what are the best ways to deal with this issue..

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It is normal but I get how frustrating it is. He's doing it because he doesn't like the sensation if having a full nappy, so naturally he's trying to scoop the poo out.
If you think he's ready to toilet train do away with nappies and pull ups completely, they are more hindrance than help.
If you think he's not ready, buy him some of those onsies or siglets that do up between the legs and put pants over the top, it'll make it more difficult to get into and obviously change him as soon as he's done a poo because it would be uncomfortable.

Also, in my experience punishing toileting mishaps can be a bit of a set back when you actually come to TT. He'll associate doing a poo with getting a smack, so I'd try to refrain from doing that (I absolutely get that you're at the end of your tether though). Be patient with him, help him wash up and just keep explaining it to him. He'll get it eventually.

Anon Imperfect Mum

All in one outfits! Grow suits, and in summer those all in one swim suits with a zip in them.
If you can't watch put him in a suit.
