Baby sleep


Baby sleep

How much is too much or too little sleep?
My daughter (3 & 1/2 months) goes down at eight, sleeps till eleven pm and has a bottle before going back to sleep till seven thirty am.
Which is awesome but then at ten she's tired again and goes for a nap, but can sleep till four or five pm without waking up for food or anything.
I know this isn't normal but the Dr said not to worry as she's a chubby baby and quite long. She's hitting all her milestones and is very happy but I'm just worried she sleeps too much.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

8 Replies


At 3.5 months this wouldn't concern me at all. As long as she is growing a developing this is wonderful!
If she was 3.5 Years old I'd be worried.

If she was under weight and not growing then it's something to be worried about.

Honestly many mums dream about having a baby that is that settled and sleeps that much. What is 'normal' sleep wise for one baby isn't great for another.

I was the non-sleeper of the family, my 2 sisters were both excellent sleepers like your baby. We've all grown up to my fabulous normal adults and one of us is a doctor and it's not me!


Growth spurt... :-)


I would think so too if it hadn't been since she was two months old.


Enjoy it! It won't last :)


My youngest was a sleepy baby. She slept like this til she was about 6 months old (if she wasn't eating or pooping, she was sleeping lol), her awake time gradually increased. If she's a bigger baby she's probably just really content!


My son never slept at that age (okay he did but it felt like he didn't) lol he was constantly awake and talking to himself.
My daughter is now just over 2 months and she'll have days where she wakes up at 9am and only sleep for 3 hours during the day before going back to sleep at 8pm but other days she will sleep all day and only wake for feeding times and still have her usual night routine.

If she is feeding enough and hitting all her milestones I don't think there's anything to be really concerned about, every baby is different.

There is a johnsons baby app you can get on your phone that does your baby's sleep score, you can track your babys sleep times and awake times and they also have tresillian nurses you can chat to if you're worried, perhaps you could do that and then give them a call and see what they say 🙂


Uggghh...I envy you! My 2.5 month old struggles to sleep during the day and usually wakes about 5 or 6 times a night. Both of my kids haven't been sleepy. But if this one was and was doing fine milestone and weight wise I would enjoy it!


My son was the same, he literally would be up for 2 hours and back down again. He didn't even wake up during the night for a feed from 2 months. He would sleep from 6.30 pm to 6 am, up for 2 hours, asleep another couple of hours, up another couple of hours, back to sleep another few hours, then sleep through the night. He was my first and only, my sister kept telling me how lucky I was, but I didn't know it. He is 9 now, he never regressed, goes to bed around 8.30 9 ish, straight to sleep, never hear a peep until morning.
