literally eating for two!


literally eating for two!

I'm pregnant with #2 and I am literally eating for two. Sounds alittle strange I know but I can't seem to go more then 2hrs without being that hungry I feel like I'm going to spew. I have even woken up in the middle of the night feeling like I haven't eaten for weeks I forced myself everytime to go back to sleep because I don't want the night time snacks to be a regular thing

Anyone experienced this and know how to deal with it? I have tried having larger meals especially dinner to try and stop the excessive eating and I go for a piece of fruit or a healthier choice when I get so hungry I feel like being sick.

Almost 20weeks and definitely only one

Posted in:  Food, Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

5 Replies


I didn't eat for two when pregnant, but I certainly am now that I'm breastfeeding!
I've started eating more frequently, and increased my serving sizes for main meals.
Drinking tea between meals/snacks also helps me to feel full so that I'm not constantly binging.
But other than that, I simply suggest that you stock up your house with healthy snacks and enjoy!


This was me besides night time snacks. I was eating every 2 hrs or else i felt sick. And unfortunately got worse the closer to delivery. I just at my 3 main meals but was continuesly snacking fruit, yoghurt and biccys in between. Before bed a was having a large glass of milk to try fill me up a bit more (but then i had to pee heaps). Also bub was a really really hungry bub and even now at nearly 2 she can eat lots (even her kindy has said how much she eats) but her father has a really high metabolism.


Try eating several small meals throughout the day, rather than 3 large ones.
Differentiate between real hunger and boredom. If it is genuine hunger, don't deprive yourself, just choose snacks wisely if you're concerned about excessive weight gain.
Leave some plain crackers by the bed in case you wake up starving.


Make sure you're drinking enough too!


Eat smaller meals more often. Have healthy snacks at the ready.
