Bottlefeeding newborn


Bottlefeeding newborn

I'm not starting bottle v breast debate, so please be respectful to my choice :)

I'm pregnant with my 2nd one and when this one is born, I'm not planning on breastfeeding. I was so committed to bf with my first one- it was never an option not to. But my nipples and breasts had other ideas. For 8 weeks I tried everything. I literally used to vomit from the pain. It wasn't good for my mental and physical health. So, I'm not putting my body through this again.

I'd like to just be able to 'feed' the bubs for the first day, then on the bottle it will go. Has anyone done this before?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

13 Replies


Fed is best!! You do what works for you. I'm pregnant with number 4 I've never gotten past 8 weeks of feeding before. This time I plan to try for as long as I can. But that's my choice. You do you mumma and don't worry about what anyone else says!!


Your body your choice and fed is best. So you get to decide if breast feeding is for 1 day or more days. Totally your choice..
I think if you can, giving that first bit of colostrum is a great idea, but only if you can tolerate it.
I'd just pack your chosen formula and bottles in your hospital bag.
I breast fed for 4 months. I wish I'd given up sooner. It was never something I enjoyed, and it made me resent my baby rather than bond with it.


After a horrible first experience, second time I decided that I would try to breastfed but with no pressure. So I tried, but i had already given myself permission to give formula when I was struggling. And it turned out to be quite a low stress experience. I started the bottle at week 2 when it got hard and I wasnt prepared to pump and kill myself, I was going to take care of myself and enjoy my baby this time. Although I have to admit that while the decision to give formula was an easy one, it was still emotional and disappointing - and thats ok, but I still had the logical side that knew it was best and it was. I ended up mix feeding for ten months.

Its completely up to you, we know the benefits of breastfeeding amd that any that you can give is great, so I think trying it first on day 1 is a great idea and it really could be a different story, and if not, you know when to make the call this time.


Definitely fed is best! With my first I wanted to give up bf but was persuaded to continue. In hindsight I'm super glad I did because I wasn't in the best mindset.
The second time I went into bf hoping to exclusively bf but if it was to the detriment of other things than supplement with formula. This mindset definitely was more positive than only having the option of bf. Now my bubs is exclusively bf. My point is that it doesn't matter which you choose as long as you are 100% happy with it (or accept it 100%). Bf is super tough and to tell you the truth I'm surprised at the amount of people who still bf as most of the people I've known have had problems with it.
Good luck with your new bubs! And screw the haters!


It's absolutely an option and plenty do it. It sounds like last time around was pretty traumatic (you may have been experiencing D-MER, which I have heard is pretty awful) and you'll know how much you can take. Make sure the midwives and nurses are aware of the situation when you're in hospital so that no one pushes the breastfeeding on you - even a shift change and someone failing to read your chart can mean misunderstandings. If you are upfront about your intentions from the start you should be able to get some good guidance from them. Good luck Mama x


I bottle fed from birth 4 of my 5 children, much to the disgust of the midwives. Breast feeding didn't come natural to me..I knew my babies were getting fed so that's all that really mattered and it was great for my other children and family members to help out with feeding so I could get some rest. The hospitals usually supply the pre made bottles for you but I would ask just to be sure. Just remember it is your choice and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. Best wishes to you and your new baby, good luck mumma xx


Yep I did this with my 2nd born. After a horrible experience with my 1st and breastfeeding, as soon as those feelings crept in, within the first 24 hours, we swapped to bottle.
Just be mindful that if you do bf at all then the pill to stop milk production cannot be used and you'll have to ride out that time period where your breast milk dries up.
Best of luck mumma x


Not judging, just informing. Many women can go on to successfully breastfeed after not being able to with their first, second etc with support and correct information, it doesn't have to be such a scary thing. You can find an international board certified lactation consultant at if you do change your mind, they are specialists in breastfeeding and far better than midwives, paeds etc
Also there's fantastic fb groups for info and support x


Thank you for your response. It was actually 2 lactation consultants who made me feel like crap. Treated me and spoke to me like I was dirt. They humiliated me in what was supposed to have been a safe environment. So no, I would rather not have support like that. MCHN were just as bad too. It just sucked


I'm sorry that happened to you, in my experience, if the correct support and knowledge isn't there it just won't work. Ibclc's (international board certified lactation consultants) are different to just lc's that are usually in a hospital, pretty much anyone can call them self an lc with minimal training however an ibclc is a highly trained professional and I could almost guarantee you would have a far different experience. :)


Just be ready for the midwives, my first born was premature (35 weeks) and was very skinny and extremely hungry when he came out. I wanted to do both because he was not satisfied with breastfeeding alone and I had to fight for the bottle. I didn't get the bottle for him until he was two days old and I wished they hadn't been so horrible about it. Boy did that tiny bit of milk they gave him disappear quickly. They only put 10ml in it!!
With our second I told the doctor/midwives from the start and funnily enough a casual (on call) midwife was my best ally she just told the other midwives I was bottle feeding. I always breastfeed for the first two days because the colostrum is super good for their immunity but it's totally up to you.
Goodluck with it all xo


Bottle fed all 3 of my kids.. tried so hard with first but in the end I couldn't do it anymore... all 3 are 16 5 and 4 and are healthy happy kids...


Do what's best for you and Bub. I tried with my 1st born and was in so much pain and had no support, formula at 6 days. I was determined to try with my second, a tongue tie which was not noticed by the lactation midwife, whose mentality was "hungry baby is a easier baby to feed", it ended up with me having to stay in hospital for 3 extra days as blood sugar was so low my baby wouldn't even wake up. By my third I didn't want to go through that disheartening feeling of not being able to feed my baby, so I decided on formula from the get go. I got no support from the hospital, but I know my mental state was a lot better the 3rd time around.
It's about you and your baby so fed is best!
