Is it normal for my 4yo son to be getting erections? He's playing with himself quite often and sometimes rubs himself on things. His baby brother was crawling over him playing this afternoon and he got an erection. How do I approach this? Im uncomfortable talking about it but I want him to know it's his private part.. I don't really even know what I'm asking.. is this normal?
3 Replies
Yes boys get erections from birth! The wind only had to change direction. It's totally natural and normal.
It's up to us to teach them that at this age it's ok to make there penis tickle (to use his words) but only if they are in there bedroom and on there own. This is all part of important sex education discussion and teaching protective behaviours against predators. So teaching him the only people who are allowed to touch his penis is himself and sometimes mum, dad and the doctor if he has pain or is sick.
Totally normal.
Personally, I wouldn't say much to him, as he gets older he probably wont play with his penis in front of orher other people (and if he does then maybe have a word then)
Hes only 4 and just learning about his body
Erections are a normal and necessary biological response, I'd be worried if he wasn't experiencing them.
At 4 it's not a sexual thing. It's curiosity and pleasant but it's definitely not like the arousal we associate with adult sexual desires.
When you see him enjoying his erections (I.e, touching, rubbing etc) you just tell him that's something you do in private - in his room or the bath for example.
Avoid telling him off or telling him it's yucky, you don't want him to have negative or feelings of shame for perfectly normal bodily functions.