Jealious of ex after miscarriage

Anon Imperfect Mum

Jealious of ex after miscarriage

My partner and I have 3 kids between us. But 2 are his and 1 is mine. We both have our kids full time. My daughter has never meet her biological dad so my partner is her dad. My partners kids see their mum during work hours 4 days a week. Its so nice having them all with us at night. We have a beautiful little mixed up family. I was so happy so content. Until I feel pregnant and had a miscarriage. Our baby wasn't planed we weren't ready for another baby yet we didnt even know we were pregnant until it was to late.
But now every thing has changed. I feel different. I've become jealous of his ex that she has kids to him and I dont. I look at their baby photos and it hurts. But it never use to. She had his babies and I lost ours. Is this a part of grieving? Will it go away. I feel like I've let him down that I can't be the mother of his kids but his ex can who he isnt with but I am. I still love our 3 kids more than the world but I want to feel like I did before before I lost our baby. Has any one been through a similar situation?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Self Care, Loss & Grief, Parenthood Guilt, Pregnancy

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I haven't been in your position but I do believe that's more then likely just a stage you are at with your grieving. Don't be so hard on yourself, let those jealous feelings come and then let them pass. I am so sorry for your loss ❤️

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think this is grief. Try not to compare to her but to own your own feelings. Its perfectly ok to be feeling disappointed, sad, jealous and inferior. Emotions dont make sense sometimes. meditation might help you focus your thoughts and bring you some peace.
