Car seats in 2012 ford territory

Anon Imperfect Mum

Car seats in 2012 ford territory

Hey everyone.

I will try to make this as easy as possible to understand.

I just recently have bought a new car to fit everything in but I'm having an issues making my rearward facing car seat fit. ( YES I HAVE HAD IT PROEPELY INSTALLED).

In my old car the baby seat would sit so nicely on the seat was nicely positioned and had a good recline and the seats were leather. Since putting it into the new car I have had night mares with it. Bubs is not 6 months yet and very small for age so she cannot go forward facing.
It will not stay reclined the car seat is in properly and doesn't move etc but is slipping on the seat by itself and is now in a very upright position compared to it being reclined couple days ago. (FITTED CORRECTLY, only use one company to fit since she was born)

Has anyone had these issue with a ford territory 2012 model fabric seats. I have the safe n sound ahr compact slimline one.

If you haven't had these issues and the car seats have stayed nicely reclined in this car please let me know which one as I'm ready to just get a new car seat.

Thanks you heaps xx

Posted in:  Education, Baby & Toddler, FAQ

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Can you get one of those rubber mat things that put under the car seat to help it keep still? Stop it from moving on it's own. Car seats shouldn't be slipping in the seats. I've never had a problem with any of mine. I've used all sorts over the years.

Anon Imperfect Mum

There was stuff under it to keep it but doesn't help at all. I haven't had issues in my old car only this car as the back seats are a different shape

I'm just gunna buy a new one and see if t helps

Anon Imperfect Mum

There was stuff under it to keep it but doesn't help at all. I haven't had issues in my old car only this car as the back seats are a different shape

I'm just gunna buy a new one and see if t helps
