How do I know if my child has behavioural problems?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do I know if my child has behavioural problems?

How do I know if my child has behavioural problems or if it's normal for his age or he's just a jerk?

My 5yr old son has become so difficult to control lately. He will not listen, he's defiant, throws ridiculous tantrums and has started to hit his younger brother which is teaching him to now hit.

I try calmly talk to him and it just goes over his head. He doesn't stop doing things even after being told 10 times! There's so much more going on but i can't write it all... He's an ex 33 weeker too

I guess I want to know what I can do to help or get some answers? Maybe I just need to vent..

I know he is jealous of his younger brother and I try to do things with him but then we go through the whole cycle of him not listening..

I feel like such a failure and my husband is no help. I'm just so exhausted with being a mum, some days I just want run away and never come back

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You start out at the community health nurse, then the child psych or the child development paed. They ask you for a full run down, and they will help you figure it out. They will look at sleep, nutrition, illness, environment, everything and give you techniques to try, and you keep going back until youve got it managed or you or they recommend there is something deeper going on. They might see the signs and know it at the first meeting, but if not its a longer road but at least youre working on it, narrowing down what youre working with.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Start with a peadiatrician and child psychologist
