Career change?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Career change?

I'm 40 and seriously considering changing careers. I have recently felt quite a lot of anxiety regarding my current career stability. With the constant innovation of computers software and apps - I really don't think there will be a need for my job within the next 10 years. I have actually always wanted to be a nurse/midwife.... so I am seriously considering further education (depending on hubbies income).
Has anyone else felt like this about their careers? Is it normal to feel "over it" and really dislike what you do?
Is this just a stage or rut that I'm in that will pass?
I feel really depressed anxious all of the time when thinking about my job.
I must mention that I run my own business - so it has all of the other stress that goes along with it.
I never took a break to have kids / worked the whole way through..... maybe that's why I feel exhausted.

One issue I have with study is that I only completed year 11 at school. Does anyone have any knowledge of what steps I would need to take to enable me to get into/apply to study at Uni? (Being I didn't complete year 12)....

Arghhh - please tell me I'm not the only one that feels like they are perhaps going through a midlife crisis 😭

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Health & Wellbeing, Education, IM's In Business

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would say its totally normal, to me the people that get into a job out of school and do it their entire life are the weirdos. Contact the uni and ask them they are very helpful and there will be a way for you to get in, whether its by doing a test, a prep course or a tafe certificate then continuing on to uni. They will tell you everyhting please don't feel you wont be able to, if you want it, they will help you achieve it.
