My 8yo daughter confided in me yesterday, and I need to get it off my chest. I suspect most of you will encourage me to tell the mother of the other girl, and I do plan to somehow, but for now I just need to get the words out anonymously.
Yesterday, my daughter and I were having one of our chats where she gets in the mood to confide things to me that she's been stewing over, or pondering, or bottling up for a while. These conversations seem to happen every few weeks, and I'm so glad she can confide in me. I try to stay neutral and not make a big deal of things, so that she's not afraid to tell me anything in the future.
So yesterday's conversation centred around what her friend showed her on her iPad. Her friend has virtually no restrictions on the time spent using her iPad, or (as it turns out) the content she can access. It appears that while her parents are sleeping in the morning, this 8yo girl has been using Safari to search for things like "vaginas" and "world's biggest penis". She showed my daughter on her iPad during a playdate. Of course I was a little shocked when she told me, but not initially too worried. I figured curiosity is entirely normal, and I remember quite fascinated by all of that stuff at a similar age. We have a pretty relaxed view of nudity in our home, we answer questions honestly, and use correct terminology etc. We also ensure that our kids know boundaries, and what kind of touch is okay, and what is not okay, and by whom.
However, what my daughter described after the initial confession was entirely NOT okay. Pictures and videos that she cannot un-see. My daughter has now been exposed to pornography - there is no doubt. She described in detail what the man and the woman were doing, their facial expressions, the camera angle, where the man's hand was, and so on. I'm devastated that this has been her first introduction to adult intimate/sexual behaviour. Sex in real life is not like pornography - and I don't want her to think that this is how intimacy looks in a normal loving relationship. I always hoped that our children would discover all of that in a far more appropriate way - through being educated by the right people - us as parents, but also age-appropriate books and educational materials, and of course those achingly beautiful first experiences and discoveries with your first love, years down the track from now. It's been less than 24 hours since my daughter told me about this, but a few weeks since the playdate where the pictures and videos were shown to her.
Thanks for reading, I just needed to get it down on paper (or screen?!) before I work out what to do next. I want to tell the girl's parents, I'm sure they'd want to know. But it's a bit complicated because there has been tension lately between our girls, which as led to intense awkwardness between me and the girl's mother, who I have previously been good friends with. She gets heavily involved when the girls have a tiff, whereas I tend to let them sort our their own issues, and just stay on the sidelines, ready and open to discussion if need be. So far, they've been sorting out their dramas in a totally age appropriate way, and at my parent-teacher interview, their teacher says she has no concerns with how they handle conflict (no name calling or aggression etc, and they always end up friends again after their squabbles). I'm not sure how to raise the topic without upsetting the parents, or burning bridges, as I know this mum really well and she takes any criticism (for lack of a better word) of her children extremely personally. She'll be extremely defensive and upset about being seen as a mum whose kids have accessed pornography. She's very conscious of how she appears to other people. Happy to hear other people's thoughts, but this was more a story than a question! Thanks for reading IMs, hope you're all having a great week :)
7 Replies
Firstly, you must have a great relationship with your daughter that she felt comfortable enough to talk to you about all this, so well done there.
I think you're right about searching about vaginas and penises, it's more curiosity than anything. Still inappropriate but I think things like this happen from time to time, especially in the digital world we live in nowadays.
The thing about it that worries me is how an 8 year old knows how to access porn sights, it's not actually that easy to stumble across them unless you're specifically typing in pornographic or sexally explicit key words (I mean typing in penis or vagina will usually just take you to s health article or a wiki page, porn won't be the first thing to pop up).
I kind of think this is one of those situations you just need to bite the bullet and tell the mother exactly what's been going on. She probably had no idea what content her daughter has been accessing. It will be awkward as hell and she probably will get defensive but you're not responsible for her reaction.
I'd probably only have play dates at your house/public places from now on too, just so you can supervise more closely.
Thanks so much for your thoughts - sounds like you're thinking along the same lines re curiosity etc. My daughter mentioned that the porn ones (which she didn't call 'porn' of course lol) popped up after a few further clicks, and that they clicked on 'images' at some point, and hey presto, porn pictures. She also said that somewhere along the line there was an 18+ screen that didn't let them progress any further thank goodness, so I'm hoping what they viewed was pretty softcore!
On the contrary (and I know it won't be helpful) I look back and WISH as a female I had been exposed to porn and saw what sex actually was prior to losing my virginity. The books and what teachers, parents and others told me was nothing like the first experiences at all and nothing prepared me for it.
:( that's sad for you - whether it was bad first experiences or inadequate info beforehand. I must have been very fortunate, my mum had answered all my questions when I was little (I cringe at the memories, but I'm grateful as well!) and we had "Where did I come from" and a few other written materials that gave me a good understanding. But nothing prepared me for the emotions/lust that hit me as a teenager! I was very lucky to be head over heels in love with the guy I lost my virginity to, and it was amazing from the start. I wish it was like that for everybody :( I hope the things that I teach my girls as they're growing up help them find their own way in this crazy world, without them needing resort to pornography for an accurate education lol!
I've been in this situation. My daughter wasn't much older, & the other child's mother is very similar (I had to wonder if I'd written this!)
Maybe just suggest the other parents check their daughters search history & say your girl mentioned something she'd seen at their house. Suggest you both supervise more closely at play dates, to be sure it doesn't happen again. I wouldn't point the finger at their daughter, it may very well come back to bite you.
When I approached this situation the blame was placed on my older child... even though it didn't happen in my house.
Unfortunately I've had to pretty much remove this friend from my child's life. She was extremely toxic. Quite sad for such a young child, but my child's mental health & well being comes first.
OP here :) This is really interesting, because 'toxic' is exactly the word I would use to describe this girl. Not only because of the scenario in my post, but many other dramas and competitiveness that goes beyond what you'd normally expect between kids of that age. We are scaling back contact with this particular friend, just as you've done with your daughter. (Are you sure we're not the same person?!!) Sad, but I totally agree, my daughter's mental health and well being takes priority. Thanks so much for your thoughts and advice, it's so helpful to hear from someone who's experienced this xo
Hi just jumping in here. The traits this other little girl is displaying would have me questioning if she has been exposed to something...
My concern in telling parents is that if anyone is abusung a child, it is most likely their immediate care givers or someone close to them.
I would report it to the school counselor, the police and closely monitor the 'friendship' and ensure your daughter can safely extricate herself from this girl