Friend betrayal


Friend betrayal

I have recently cut ties with a friendschool mum for various different reasons but the whole situation is driving me crazy. Last night i didnt get to sleep till after 4am just going over it in my mind. There is just so much to say to her but I am m scared that i will get very angry and lose control and get nasty because this has been building up for a few months now. People say don't let it get to me but I can't help it. I feel so betrayed and let down by her. I will never be her friend again so that isnt an option.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Sisterhood Stories, Behaviour

4 Replies


Don't say it. Use another outlet. Write it down etc. there is nothing to be gained from confronting this person other than making a scene or escalating a situation.


People are right when they say 'don't let it get to you'. Harbouring this kind of anger and resentment is only hurting you. I mean, you were up dwelling on this til 4am, do you think this other person is wasting all her energy on it? I doubt it...
Don't get nasty either, nothing good will come of it. Put all your energy into being the bigger person and move on. Live your life happily without her, it'll be much more satisfying.
In life, we meet people who take advantage of us, who betray us, who do us wrong. Their actions are on them but the way we react and deal with it is on us.


I had the same thing happen, it was a very dear long term friend who I trusted with very personal information (which I made her very aware of and she was the only person I told) then I find out she is talking about my situation with her other friends 😢 the only reason I found out was cause one of the friends approached me cause of how sensitive the info was, I confronted my "friend" to which she denied everything. I am heartbroken and wish I could turn back time... so now I don't know who knows or who is judging me 😭


Ok so it's actually funny as I read this post thinking is this about me?? Am I that friend???

To be honest I've also fallen out with a friend "school mum" at school that I originally through Prep got along with really well.
I have been through a lot in my life domestic abuse etc but I'm in a great place now and happy in my life with new partner etc. Though explaining this to a friend that I confided in and finding out she told others meant she broke my trust.

Another big factor was every time we would catch up for coffee etc she would bitch about another mum etc I'm not interested in that crap as I'm too old for that shit we are mums now.

After weighing it up I chose to be nice but distance myself

So if I am that friend that's my reason why... if I'm not maybe consider that your "friend" maybe just wants a simple non bitchy life!!
