Freelancing/Consulting Work

Anon Imperfect Mum

Freelancing/Consulting Work

Freelancing/Consulting Work

A bit of the back story, I currently work for an International Company within the APJ region and there is a huge possibility of being made redundant due to loosing a massive project, the only way I will still have a job is if some other opportunities come in. I have a possible opportunity to freelance back to the company after I've been made redundant and I've also got the possibility of some other freelance work, working in a field I love and have a huge passion for.

My question is how does someone with anxiety take the massive leap to work as a freelancer and not have the security of working for a company that you have a guaranteed salary,super, paid sick leave/leave? I've always wanted to work for myself but am held back by my anxiety and the fear of failure. How do I break through this feeling and just go for it?

Also, how do freelancer mum's/dad's get through wanting to add children to the mix due to not having paid maternity leave, have to return to work quite quickly after birth. I understand freelancing allows flexibility and I can work my own hours but the guilt is always there, that if I'm not working, I won't be bringing in an income.

If you were freelancing before having children, how did you manage to make it work with no paid maternity leave, income etc?

Mum's/dad's how do you all make it work?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, IM's In Business, Money

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Most companies that I have worked for or know of, don't actually pay maternity leave, the only people I know who received it from employers were teachers (work for the government). Most people get the Centrelink payments these days, back when I was pregnant we just got the baby bonus, so sorry don't know about the payments from Centrelink. When you are pregnant you just save, save, save and buy small things each week, that's what I did anyway.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Now that you've mentioned the whole "companies, not paying maternity" leave the more I look into it the more I feel better and less anxious! Because it's true! I looked into whether or not I would receive payments from centrelink for maternity leave due to my situation and happy to say I would! Thank you for your help - it has lessened my anxiety and made me excited for the future.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Good luck xxx
