First of all, thankyou for everyone's responses. I did read them all. I have spoken to my sister since I asked my original question. Some people seemed to have not read through it completely or just ignored what I wrote. So I will elaborate and answer people's questions.
Our second child, that I am still pregnant with, will most likely need to have surgery after he/she is born and will need to stay in hospital about 1-2 weeks after the surgery. Before that, he/she will need to stay in the NICU for monitoring for up to 2 weeks. So at the maximum, we are looking at our child being in hospital about a month after birth - without any complications. We are hoping that the baby will only need a couple of days in the NICU and then can come home, but we are being realistic about it. This means that our baby will be home with us about 3 weeks before my sister gets married, after surgery. So no, we will not be hiring a baby sitter, midwife, nurse, neighbours or so forth. My mother, my Husband and I are learning how to look after our child whilst he/she is still in hospital, speaking with 4 specialists and multiple nurses. Even if our child does not need surgery, he/she will still need a higher level of care compared to a normal newborn. We did look into baby sitting services but as a few people mentioned they do not take on cases like ours and we can not afford it anyway. We do not have any contact with my husbands family as they are drug abusing alcoholics who lie, cheat and steal - so for obvious reasons they are out.
My sister asked me to be a bridesmaid after I fell pregnant (and yes she knew before hand) we found out about our child's health issues at our 20 week scan - after I had been asked to be a bridesmaid. As the weeks have gone by we have had more scans, more tests and more information from the doctors and specialists. Some people have brought up the money that we have already spent on my sisters wedding - this was done before we knew our baby is sick.
For those saying we have 5 months to save for a motel room close by, we do not have the funds to do this. We are currently saving our butts off as we have to hire medical equipment for our child (3 pieces) - this is incredibly expensive. Not to mention all the doctors appointments, specialist appointments, medications and so forth that he/she will need. Not all of this is Medicare funded and we still have to have the money upfront before we can claim anything back. Not all of the medications are on the PBS either. This is through the public system too. On top of everything else a baby requires. So, yes we have looked into getting a room close by but it is not financially possible. We are a one income family. There is no way with my second child I can possibly go back to work to help with the financial cost, that burden is with my husband. He is working extra hours, 80-100 hours a week including overtime - he works 2 jobs - 18 hour days, 6 days a week on a normal week. sometimes he will work on a Sunday too, and will have to continue to do so for quite a while after the baby is born. Also, as I said in my previous post, I have been very sick this pregnancy and will need medical care after this baby is born as well.
We have already asked if my sister and brother in law could hire a room for us but they said that it is not up to them to hire out rooms for their guests, if they do it for us, then they will have to do it for everyone else because otherwise its not fair on everyone else. Its also not in their budget. They also got angry with us because again it would mean that my husband is not at their wedding.
They have said that they want the wedding to go smoothly and they don't want to be waiting around for people when its time to do photos, speeches and everything else they have planned. So the suggestion of someone ducking off to look after the kids horrified them. They are not listening to anyone who says this is unrealistic. I told them that having a newborn, i will be needing to breastfeed every 2-3 hours. My brother in law stormed off at this point in the conversation and said i was over exaggerating. No they don't have kids. We have now even been accused of trying to sabotage their wedding and are deliberately turning people against them - this is not true. All we are doing is what is best for our kids.
I told my sister on Friday that my newborn will have to come to the wedding or we as a family wont be there. That we have exhausted all our options and there is no way I can be away from my breastfed, sick baby for the amount of time they are asking. I showed her the comments from my original post (both on-line and Facebook ones) She is still adamant that no kids are allowed. So I have pulled out of the wedding. Cancelled my bridesmaids dress, cancelled my son's clothing and told my family. I'm hurt and she is too. We are now not speaking. They told my mother that as long as we are around they will not come to any event. Including Christmas - which is a huge deal in my family. Almost all my family agree with myself and my hubby, but are trying to stay out of it to keep the peace. My mum has organised a meeting between us to try and work this out, but my brother in law is trying to stop my sister from coming to speak to me.
14 Replies
I'm sorry to hear you are going through this but I think you did the right thing in the end x
Aren't families great!
I'm sorry you feel the need to justify your decision about the baby sitters, even if your child didn't have medical issues, if you don't want to leave your 7 week old with a baby sitter that's your choice. People should respect that.
Your sister And BIL are being ridiculously unreasonable about this, you've done as much as you could to make it work and nothing was good enough, it's not like you've been deliberately trying to make things hard for them. Your sick baby is your most important priority, you don't need to apologise for that. Your BIL sounds like a controlling asshole too.
I hope you and your sister can get past this
OP here: that's one way of describing him. Don't get me wrong he loves my sister and she loves him. He takes great care of her (she has some minor medical conditions that requires her to have help on bad days). but he can be very misogynistic and has a 1950s view on a lot of things, including marriage. My sister is strong willed and wont let him dictate to her like what his dad does to his mum. He does not like it when a woman stands up to him and I am not someone to speak to the way he does, especially when it comes to my kids. So we clash a lot.
I'm so sorry to read this, I'm not surprised though.
I hope your sister and her partner can get there shit together. They backed you into a corner and there was nothing you could do, but pull out.
I get it. My kid has very high medical needs. You can't just leave him with a neighbour or an ordinary babysitter.
In all honesty, if it were me, I would spend the 150 to 200 bucks on a hotel room (even if on a credit card or ask my mum to help out with half or not give a present in lieu, probably beg borrow or steal to be there with my sister), not talk to her about my arrangements at all and rotate myself, mum and hubby (with hubby probably doing the bulk). I would make sure you and your mum are there for the important bits and she wouldn't even notice on the day. I would be discreet and probably would not have made it an issue at all and certainly not spoken to other family members about it. She doesn't have kids, she doesn't get it and I would accept that and do what I had to to get through the day.
So sorry to hear - I read your first post and it sounded then like you were stuck with no solution. It's possible that until your sister and bil have experienced having their own newborn they won't be able to put themselves in your shoes.
I thought your options you offered were quite reasonable.
I think you've done the right thing. Your responsibility is to your baby that will be dependent on you for survival at that age. And feeding every 2-3 hours is minimum for a baby that young. Fyi, many conditions that end up in NICU require more frequent feeds as the babies are weaker and feeding is tiring so they don't take a full feed until they're older. I don't know what diagnosis your baby has, but I imagine you won't have capacity to 'duck out' even if you do get accommodation close by. Time for your family to stand up for their future grandchild and point out to your sister that she's acting like a self absorbed spoilt brat.
I don't understand why people care so much about weddings ... i know it's her day and she's spending a lot of money on it but is it really more important than a sick newborn that can't look after itself? It blows me away... family comes first and that baby is her family.
You're doing the right thing and I commend you for standing up to her! You remind me of me with my older sister... I love her to bits but it's always a fight when she doesn't get things exactly how she wants it (and I'm the bad guy when I stand up to her!)
When you meet with her ask her what solution she has to offer that doesn't leave you out of pocket and doesn't leave your sick baby with a stranger.
And after all this fuss, I'm betting the marriage doesn't last. He sounds like a total tosser
I'm so sorry your sister and her dick head fiancé are putting this pressure on you. This is such a critical time, you'd be feeling stressed enough already without their added bullshit.
And with them being so stubborn and lacking empathy, well it wouldn't encourage you to even go to the wedding. It's a shame to have a rift in the family, but that's on them. Maybe stop talking to everyone about it now that you've made your decision. Don't cause any more divide by bitching about them to your mum or anyone else. Let the dust settle and maybe they'll change their tune once they see your bubba in the NICU. Good luck xx
I would have done exactly the same thing you're doing. You're making the right decision. Under the circumstances, if you sister can't be even a tiny bit flexible then it's her loss. I'm sorry she's being so difficult, you don't need this kind of stress when you've got so much else to deal with. Your health and your babies health is the priority. Your sister will get over this eventuality, probably when she has kids of her own, and if she doesn't then maybe it says something about her as a person and you might be better off not being so close to her. Wishing you all the best for the coming months x
I think expecting them to pay for a room is pretty rude but I do understand why they don't want kids there but I have to do what u have to do for ur family
To be blunt, your sister and her fiance are absolute selfish arseholes. Hopefully when they have a baby of their own they will understand how inconsiderate they have been.
Ok the NDIS does not cover every disability. We also dont know what is wrong with the baby. People (like me) with a plan are waiting into 6 months for pieces of equipment.
I think you are making the right decision. But i was an original respondent and it sounded like you did not want to go, or were already saying no to every other option available to you. I hope your child's health is not as poor as predicted.