So my 3 year old has just been assessed, the phychiatrist indicated she possibly has ADHD as well as some kind of sensory issue and that once she has completed her report we can start occupational therapy. It's going to take her about 4 weeks for her report so I've been researching what O/T is... im really struggling to find any real information on it though!
Can anyone tell me what it is or link me to some info? All I can find are websites with really vague explanations of what the purpose of O/T is without actually explaining what they do.
What kind of things do you do at O/T?
4 Replies
O/T (Occupational Therapy) helps with motor skills. Anything from drawing lines to jumping jacks and toilet training. They are quite helpful and fun. Trust that it will help and take advoce brainstorm ideas to help you at home. Its amazing.
We had to see one. It was mostly to learn some good games and exercises to help with balance and hand-eye co-ordination. After 4 visits we didn't need to go anymore and just kept up the exercises.
My 9 yr old daughter is being assessed for adhd and working with an OT at the moment. She uses animals (yes! Dogs and horses! AMAZING.) and games, talking and activities. They have looked at her focus, routines, responding to strong feelings, finishing things, slowing down etc. Connection between body and mind. It's really helping and helping us understand her needs better. Good luck with your little one.
You'd need an assessment with the OT first, to identify any areas of need.
You'll see in their room that it looks bright and fun, lots of gym type play equipment. They might do bouncy or swinging type things, sitting on a wobble cushion, using a slope board for handwriting, playing games that encourage cross over midline left to right, theraputty play to help fine motor skills i.e. holding a pen, basically any area of sensory need is worked on and you'll try various items while there, then if you see the benefit you could purchase items to assist your child, plus the OT writes recommendations for the school