Hi Ladies,
I have not to long ago left a domestic violence relationship no charges were pressed on him and am trying to get back on my feet. I have 2 kids (9 and 1) and have moved back home to try save for my own place. I however have a lot of debt from this relationship and am starting to really struggle to keep my head above water. I pay $300 per fortnight in rent to my mum
$120 every 12 weeks towards utility bills
$200 per month on a phone plan my ex and I shared
$230 per fortnight on personal loans that I was bullied into taking out in my name
$220 per fortnight in food shopping
I am trying my hardest to save money for a car so I can get my P's and also to move out I just can't seem to save and am left with my account in minus every fortnight. I am on the parenting payment and family tax A and B and due to my mum getting a little bit of the family tax for my 2 siblings I am not allowed to claim for rent or board assistance. Can anyone please tell if and how they have managed to save or who to contact to try for housing elsewhere or have any advice please no judgement. Thanks ladies.
Starting fresh
Starting fresh
Posted in:
Sisterhood Stories, Money
5 Replies
Contact a financial counsellor. The salvos and Centrelink often have financial counsellors. They are free and they can help you negotiate with creditors to get hardship payments etc.
Get your bills paid off of get your repayments lowered or of course get a job so you have more money to pay off it. Ivebeen there too, its really hard it goes in waves of feeling like youll never move on from this relationship, but you will. Keep in mind all the good things youre doing.
You're very right it is in waves definitely doesn't feel like it will get easier... I would love to get a job however that means putting my 1 year old in daycare which I also cannot afford right now
You might be surprised, it seems expensive but it works out at about $25 a day at a centre 6am-6pm nappies and lunch, or family day care is almost half that. Definitely worh it, even a few hundred extra dollars in your hand makes a big difference when things are tight.
And if you dont want to thats fair enough. Enjoy your time and know that the situation is part of the problem and it wont be this way forever.
Single mum with one child, been there, childcare extremely cheap with help of Centrelink, you will be absolutely better off. You need a job, you just need to bring more money in.