Do I do more?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Do I do more?

My 6yr old daughter was sexual proposition at school by a fellow peer (6yr old boy). School dealt with it very well and carefully, but the boy has continued to cause issues by telling my daughter he hates her and she's a dobber for getting him in trouble. I contact school each time my daughter tells me of the name calling, but I feel like more needs to be done. Am I reading more into it?
Note : The boys mother felt he didn't understand the meaning behind what he said when he sexually proposition my daughter!

Posted in:  Education, Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

School needs to do more to stop him bullying her. 6 year olds don’t really know the meaning, they might know the mechanics or have heard other people say the words but they don’t really ‘get it’ in most cases.
So yes the boy said something terribly innapropriate. Not OK. School dealt with it. Now they need to deal with the bullying. It’s not ok for him to be saying what he is saying to your daughter. The school needs to step up.

Anon Imperfect Mum

What you can do is really reinforce that telling (not dobbing) was the right thing to do, that if someone does something that makes her uncomfortable, scared, upset she should always tell someone she trusts (like you or a teacher etc).

The school allowing this to go on could make her reluctant to speak up if things like this happen again, so I agree with you - more needs to be done, he's bullying her and that needs to be addressed properly!

Anon Imperfect Mum

The little boy needs to understand that he can not say what he said.
Explain to your daughter that she didnt do anything to get him in trouble. She kept herself safe, which is the right thingto do. If someone gets in trouble for what they did. Maybe you could role play with her saying ' if you didnt say that to me you wouldnt have got in trouble' ' its not ok to say that, thats why you got in trouble'
and also 'stop calling me names' and her options - choose if she can ignore it, move away, if not say it once, again firmly, then tell a teacher.
