No show yet again

Anon Imperfect Mum

No show yet again

So yet again I'm dealing with the emotional fallout from Mister No Show ....I'm so tired of this and the lies and excuses . He currently only sees kids 5-6times a year for weekends (his choice ) every time it's late to pick up or early to drop back home . I've no time to myself and I'm tired ,I'm tired of parenting on my own 24/7 ,I'm tired of having no life ,I'm tired of his complete lack of interest in two of the most awesome caring and lovely kids . I'm tired for him constantly threatening to take me to court to take my kids away .
So yet again today my heart is breaking for my darlings who keep getting dumped

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Kids

9 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your time will come, I promise, when the kids are older and you will be the one with a great relationship with them, you will have their love. Chin up, it's hard but you're awesome ❤️, don't forget that. Also never tell the kids dad is coming (if you did tell them, you prob don't) as you don't want to deal with the heartbreak. Maybe try one of those family meet up groups (camping, hiking) where you and the kids can socialise together, you never know, there may be some hot single dad that pitches his tent next to you 😜

Anon Imperfect Mum

Can you try mediation and a parenting plan, so he cant mess your kids around?

Are they kids at an age where they decide if they want to go?

I agree with above poster about not bothering to tell the kids his coming to minimise the heartbreak if he doesn't.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Tried mediation ,the mediator shut it down and said it wasn't going to work for us that was 4 years ago ,he is in another state ,kids are only 5 and 9 ,I would prefer not to tell them about potential visits but he tell them during phone calls

Anon Imperfect Mum

Tried mediation ,the mediator shut it down and said it wasn't going to work for us that was 4 years ago ,he is in another state ,kids are only 5 and 9 ,I would prefer not to tell them about potential visits but he tell them during phone calls

Anon Imperfect Mum

Mediation only helps a parent who wants to see their kids, get time with them. All the mediation in the world can't make him show up, no one can make someone parent, even if they have stipulated times, it just can't be done.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would still tell them he's not coming. Tell them I when he says he's coming, he means 'he wants to come, he's going to try'.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's hard because he phones them to tell he coming and does a big we will go do this and that then I get a text a 8 pm saying won't be coming ,I ask him to call the kids first thing in the morning to let them know and surprise suprise no call

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yep its absolutely shit for you and the kids. It sucks. I would tell them he means maybe because it might not happen, right?
I would also send him messages weekly reminding himof all the thingshes promised that the kids are still waiting for & ask him not to promise anything else! Shitheads that what they are, just want to be a hero for 2 minutes on the phone

Anon Imperfect Mum

They'll learn soon enough that dad's word doesn't mean shit, that he doesn't mean what he says and that he's not dependable.
My dad was like this when we were kids, I'm not gonna lie it does hurt for a while but eventually your kids will just become indifferent to his presence in their life, they will expect the disapointment. Which is sad for him because he's missing out and causing irreparable damage to the relationship he has with his kids.

Hang in there mum, I know it sucks to see your kids hurting but ultimately he's the one missing out, they will thrive with or without him I promise xx
