Trying to help my husband!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Trying to help my husband!

Hi all. I have some questions relating to my husband. About 8 years ago his daughter came to him and told him she no longer wanted anything to do with him. Prior to this court orders had been broken by the mother numerous times, child was bribed not to spend time with the father constantly, vindictive spiteful mother. They came to an agreement where no money would be paid for the child as he has was no longer seeing her. Every year this mother claims three months child support back pay and then goes away again. My question is what are the options for my husband. This has been an emotional massive ordeal for him. The child is now a teenager and way to far gone to get contact happening until she wants to now. Has anybody been through this and have any advice?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Teenagers

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Under the Australian system child support is not contingent on wether you see the child or not. You can give up your parental rights through the legal system and still be obligated to pay child support.
So as nasty as this mother sounds there is nothing that can be done. It's considered the child's right to have child support and be supported by both parents.
I would suggest your husband now gets himself some emotional support. So he can get through this

Anon Imperfect Mum

Agree with above. I guess you could go for alienation and either get cs annulled or visits but if you havent done anything for the child through court then he has to pay child support.
