Moving out of hometown

Anon Imperfect Mum

Moving out of hometown

Hi IMs, I was just wondering if anyone has moved away from their hometown to interstate with young children. I have 3 children, only 1 in school and lately have felt that even though I have been here my whole life, this isn't home. I think about moving and get anxious cause my son is going to have to move schools and make friends etc but hubby who has only been here for 13years hates it. We don't have support anywhere we go but thankfully in hubby's work it's easy for him to find employment. I'm a sahm and worry because I'm a very shy person and I may be even become lonelier than I am here. Even though hubby is incredibly supportive.
I guess I'm wondering who has moved far away simply for a new life? How did you transition them and make the move a smoothly as possible, especially with a couple of toddlers? Did you end up regretting it? Thank you

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Things to do and see, Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm quite a shy person and it takes me awhile to make friends as I'm usually pretty reserved till i get to know someone. The beauty of little kids though is they give you a great excuse to meet people. No matter where you go, even in small towns there will always be a host of activities designed around little people- playgroups, story time at the local library, swimming lessons, kindy gym. Through them you will have the opportunity to meet people and will already have something in common- kids! Kids are amazingly resilient and often cope better with moving and making new friends than we adults do. It might take you awhile at first to find your feet but you'll get there. Be brave- if you've got itchy feet and Hubby is keen, it can be a wonderful experience to start new somewhere.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I moved interstate with hubby 6 months ago, with our at the time 4 year and newborn, to purely start a new life. Best decision we ever made. I suffer anxiety and have difficulty making friends. However ive found the transition really easy and have made some good friends. Our 4 year old loves his new school (kindy) and has also made new friends. When the thought of moving first came up, like you i was anxious at the idea of everything. But just jumping head first and taking that leap has been great for us.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm a SAHM and i moved a year ago from my home town. I went from city living to country living and have adjusted relatively easy into this lifestyle. My children aren't school aged yet so we figured it was the best time to move. Local playgroups have helped us meet new people and i have a small group of friends with children that i see at least twice a week. I won't lie. It has been hard leaving everything i know and love behind and there are days when i am very lonely and miss 'my people'. I don't regret moving to the country but in hindsight i wish we had moved to a slightly bigger country town with more employment opportunities, schooling options and extracurricular activities for my children. I'm in a town of 3000 people, one supermarket and two pubs and not much else! Life is easier in many ways however. We can actually afford a house here, we aren't ruled by the clock as much as what we were working 9 to 5 in the city and we get more time together which was our main objective of moving.
