Hi I haven't asked anything yet but am in need of help/advice. I am a mother of two boys who I adore but am finding the younger one who is 9 very challenging at the moment. He has been sick for the past few months (recovered from the flu) but now has a sinus infection which has gone into 4 weeks. We have been back and forward to the doctors & he is now on a stronger course of abtiobiotics. Problem is & I think when he was so sick with the flu we let him get away with things more than normal, and now that he is sick again he seems to be playing on both my husband and I. Saying he can't sleep with headaches & wanting to sleep in our bed. Has nurofen, anti Nasal spray & water but can't seem to sleep at night so is keeping us up late & then waking us up at night. My husband & I are both exhausted I've only just recovered from a chest infection & my husband is getting sick. I guess the question is what do you do when both parents are feeling worn out with work, sickness & a child who is constantly sick but not seriously and how do we regain our energy to care for our children. I'm starting to feel like I'm just not coping at all with motherhood.
2 Replies
You just hold on for dear life and try and get some naps in on weekends
I'm a single mum, you do whatever you can to get through 😂😂😂 Even if they lay on the couch sick watching tv all day, whatever is needed so you all get a rest. If I had a partner, I would probably tag team, take it in turns attending to him. In terms of behaviour, when you are all better, I'm sure he will get back to normal. Good luck.