Can CPS call that abuse?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Can CPS call that abuse?

I made a terrible mistake and told my 7 yr old son to shut the "F" up and his mom, my ex-wife, called CPS. I got a CPS card in my door, and now i am terrified. I have full physical and legal custodyand raising the boy myself. He does great in school, is a genuinely happy child, and there is no history of neglect or abuse of any kind. Do you think i willbe ok?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Where are you?

If you're in Australia you will be fine, I have heard and seen much worse.

Anon Imperfect Mum

When a report is made to child protection they have a responsibility to look into it - even if the report is bullshit or a bit petty.
If this was a once off occurrence and you understand this isn't the most effective way to communicate with a child you should be fine.
Taking children out of their parents custody is usually a last resort (in Australia at least), they may want you to participate in some parenting courses or offer you more in the way of support.
The agencies that protect our children aren't the bad guys!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m assuming your in America due to the spelling of Mom, therefore I think a majority of us aren’t in a position to answer it correctly.

However, please know that this does not make you a bad parent nor does it mean you’ve done a bad job. Parenting is fucking hard and sometimes we make mistakes or judgements that looking back on we could have changed. This is one of those times and just learn from it and make an effort to not do it again :)

If you’re in Australia, I think you’ll be fine. If this is the only “abuse” perse, you’ll be fine!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Swearing at your kid is bad, it is classed as abuse. For some perspective, my partner crashed the car trying to run me over while I held my baby, and docs visited and left me some pamphlets.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I reported to them that I saw their father driving with our autistic 8 year old without a seatbelt on and was hitting him to the point he was crying and vomiting. They said the no seatbelt was a police matter but unless I had a video of it they wouldnt do anything and the hitting was fine because it was with his hand and below the shoulders. They didnt even call him.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Perhaps check out some positive parenting classes and see a counselor for anger management. Do this now! That way, if and when they do interview you, there’s proof you’re already taking steps to rectify the situation.

But don’t just do it for ‘proof’, do it for your child, do it for you, so you become a better human, and a better parent

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sorry but she has obviously told them more than that...if you're not abusing this child then you have nothing to with them and clear it up asap!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Honestly get legal advice before calling them back. They have very broad powers when it comes to custody and your experience with them will greatly depend on a person you come across, and we all know some people are idiots...
