How young was your bub when you left them to go out?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How young was your bub when you left them to go out?

How young was your bub when you went out for the night (not overnight, approximately 7 hrs) without them?

My 3rd bub is 5 weeks old and I've been offered a ticket to a concert. But I'm feeling like it's too soon to leave her.

We've had some feeding issues so I am feeding her expressed breast milk. With my other two I was direct breastfeeding and so attached to them for longer. At times I felt "stuck" with my other two, but I've always seen their younger years especially as my "job". I don't work outside of the home.

She will have milk, Daddy will be home, it won't effect my pumping schedule. My only issue is that I feel I might not be ready to leave her for that long.

Posted in:  Self Care, Parenthood Guilt

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd go!
Whilst yes it is our 'job' so to speak, it doesn't mean you're not entitled to have some fun (and trust me, when you have 3 kids these opportunities don't come along too often lol)

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’d go! I had to go do an exam three weeks after my son was born. When ever you leave them the first time, whatever the age (2 minutes or 6 months old) there is always anxiety.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd go! Maybe look at it as a great opportunity for Dad to have some quality bonding time with baby. He has to leave every day for work and I bet he'd love some time with baby

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go and have fun! I think sometimes us mums are a bit too hard on ourselves. She won't die without you. You are not a bad mum for leaving her. She'll be fine with her daddy. How often do you get offered concert tickets? I bet it's not very often! Go out, you may not get another chance for a long time.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go. She won't notice and looking after yourself is vital

Anon Imperfect Mum

5 weeks old my husband and I had a date night. Dinner and a movie :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go. You'll stress out, worry yourself sick and miss half the concert thinking about her but go anyway. You'll still see half the concert and when you get home you'll find she was fine with daddy.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Each and every person is different. I wouldn't go. But that's me. That being said, I'd never judge a mumma who did go. It would just be too soon for me. That being said I'm 100% sure bubs would cope. I wouldn't lol
