Drink driving charges

Anon Imperfect Mum

Drink driving charges

I got done for drive driving (in qld) at the start of the year (0.06), first night out since having baby and thought I was ok (I know so does everyone). I’m prepared for license loss and fine; I did the wrong thing and expect to be punished for it but I’m wanting to know how court proceeding for drink driving go? Do I just stand there and get it delieveried to me? do I plead a case? I can’t apply for a work license as work is only 1km away.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Self Care, FAQ

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

0.6 is mid-range drink driving, you'll appear in the magistrates court and they'll ask you to come forward and state your plea (guilty or not guilty - which you'd be silly to do because they'll just adjourn it), the judge may give you an opportunity to speak but the outcome will probably be decided before you get there. I helped my brother through this.
Depending on the judge you may just get a fine and a warning or 3 months Disqualified and a fine but it does depend on other circumstances too (such as priors etc).

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s actually low-range.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh, my mistake. My brothers range was the same and I'm sure he was charged with mid-range. Either way, same court process, though I'm unsure what the outcome will be for low range.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Was he on a licence with special provisions at all? It’s definitely low range but it’ll still be the same court process. State plea, judge will hand down sentence. Probably 3 months and a fine if it’s a first offence.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Pending state you’ll need an interlock (be prepared, it’s an expensive ongoing cost!)
