My husband and I are thinking of doing a world trip for a abouta year, has anyone done this with kids and how did you go with them not being at school
My husband and I are thinking of doing a world trip for a abouta year, has anyone done this with kids and how did you go with them not being at school
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2 Replies
You can pull them and do your own thing (if in Australia they legally must be enrolled somewhere but not if overseas)
Your other choices are to enrol in homeschooling, distance ed school, or talk to their school about staying enrolled and the teacher's giving you work to do with them. I know they'll happilydothat for a term but not sure about a year, it is completely up to the school.
I just pulled my son out of school for 5 weeks while we waited for a specialist appointment. One on one teaching of the curriculum was sooooo fast because he's intelligent. If your son grasps things very easily, I wouldn't say there was an issue as long as you registered for home schooling and put aside 1-2 hours per day to focus on his learning. Contact home schooling in your state