Nervous about putting my baby into care.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Nervous about putting my baby into care.


I’ve applied for a job but it means putting my 9 month old in home day care/ day care. I go back and forth between being ok with it and freaking out about it. This is my first child if you can’t tell lol (and I’m an anxious person lol)
I was ok with it then bub started cutting her first tooth and has been miserable, I know this is normal but I hate the thought of me not being able to comfort her when she is sad.
I was working when my hubby was home to look after bub but that work has dried up.
I was looking in to home day care more so over a daycare centre.
If I get the job I think I need to at least try it.
Or should I withdraw my application and try finding work when my hubby is home? (He is home every 2nd week). I know my hubby would be upset if I declined the job I applied for (I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m overreacting 😂). I asked a few other mums and some say they can’t do it yet and some say it’s fine lol.
No idea what to do 😞 I like the thought of leaving my baby.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

A daycare mum or daycare centre aren't going to leave her cry. She'll get cuddles and distraction just like you can give her. A daycare centre can do this better if she's a really sooky baby as other staff can look after the other children if she just needs constant cuddles.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I prefer daycare centres way more regulated, and plenty of people to watch the babies. I found my kids loved and thrived with care. If you need to work, then you need to check you anxiety and do what’s best for your family. Carers don’t leave kids to cry you little person would be on someone’s hip the same as yours at home.
