Baby #2


Baby #2

I have a 9 month old daughter and I love her more than life itself.
I have no desire to have another baby my hubby does want another one eventually.
Has anyone else ever felt like this?
Did you eventually go back for a 2nd?
Are you happy with your decision to have a 2nd or to not have another child?

Posted in:  Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler

8 Replies


I had a second and I do love her but I honestly wished I had stopped at 1. If you don't want one, don't have one. It has to be a decision you both are happy with.


At 9mths old I couldn’t even contemplate having another. They are still entirely dependent on you at that stage.
I couldn’t even contemplate it until my son was much older. Less needy, more able to entertain himself without getting into a lot of trouble etc.
I opted for no more eventually but really didn’t finally decide until my son was school age. I just didn’t see any reason to rush the decision and I had my age on my side.
I have never ever regretted stopping at one.


That’s good to know that you have no regrets stopping at 1


My son is in his 20’s now, and I’ve just hit menopause. Still no regret!


I felt like this too but fell pregnant quickly after having my first so there was not a choice. Through the entire pregnancy I had no idea how I was going to love another so much because he took up everything of me emotionally. When she was born though it just seemed to magically happen, I managed to fit this second child into my life even though I was 100% content with the first. Like squeezing dessert in when you're already full 😂. I do think as your child starts getting out of the 'baby stage' you naturally start wanting more. I went back a third time and a fourth time even though I declared after each baby I was 'definitely done'.


Almost 4 years since my first, still have no desire to have any more and am content with that.


I feel like I could have written this myself! I really am happy with one. No desire for a second but everyone I speak to acts as if I’m terrible for only having one child. The only reason I would consider it is because I worry about my daughter being lonely. So I am very torn.


My son is an adult, he is not lonely and never was. You can be lonely and come from a big family. My mum is one of six siblings and is very alone. She has been left to care for her mum with zero support from her siblings. They wouldn’t even visit grandma if my mum didn’t remind them once a year that she is really old etc.
Most of my friends who are only children make the best friends and seem to be great at developing strong long term friendships. They are always so busy and social.
