Complex one on missed contraceptive/ could I be pregnant so bear with me on this tale.
On Easter Sunday my partner and I had sex, and then the following 4 days after I missed my pill, which I have now been informed means I may have been unprotected from the intercourse we had prior. Missing my pill for so long I obviously had a small period and then resumed my pill as if I was starting again.
Paranoid I may be pregnant I took an early pregnancy test a couple days before my period should’ve been due and it came back negative, but now the day has come on the white sugar pills when I normally get my period and it hasn’t come. I’ve made a doctors appointment so please don’t preach to me about that, I am merely after women’s advice or experiences of a similar manner in the meantime until my appointment. Not sure if I’m over thinking it lol or my body is still adjusting to all the muck around with missing my pill in the first place. Thank you for reading.
2 Replies
It could very well just be that it’s confused after all the muck around and the small bleed you had after the missed pills.
But also a possibility you’re pregnant. Always a possibility if you’re sexually active.
When you miss birth control it can screw up your periods so it's most likely just that.