


I’m currently in the deep darkness of PND - diagnosed by my GP and now Psychologist. I’m seeing the psychologist regularly and dealing with it. But tell me it gets easier with two children? I have a 6mth old and a 2.5yr old. Tell me I’m in the thick of it and it’ll get easier. I love them unconditionally but it makes me wonder if I’m cut out for this whole parenting gig.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Post Natal Depression

9 Replies


My kids are similar age gap. And I truly believe I was in the thick of it at that point. It does get easier (and harder in other aspects) but I did find it extremely difficult between my newborn being 3-8 months which is when I think the oldest is truly coming to terms with not being an only child anymore.

Hang in there.


This sums up my daughter at the moment. My 2.5yr old is SUPER clingy. Glad to hear it’s normal.


God yes it gets easier. 2.5 is hard!!and then add the baby... once the older one is three and four things get better. Different bickering and headaches but right now you have two very demanding little people that both need you for everything, its the hardest.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. ❤️


Dont be hard on yourself babe. Im sure you are doing a wonderful job. Both your babies are at hard ages. But the good news is that it does get better and it does get easier.


I can't speak for pnd, I do know from my own experience that your kids are at really difficult and demanding ages but it really does get easier, though I understand it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel while you're still right in the thick of it.
Once you get through the teething, the terrible 2s, the sleepless nights things really feel like they're improving - almost like you can finally breathe again!
Hang in there mama and just take every day as it comes. There will be good, there will be bad and everything between but you'll make it through and so will your babies xx


Yes definetely and I was diagnosed with severe pnd after my second!! Had a 2 year old and newborn and some days were living hell. I am now 7 years down the track and my kids are 5 and 7 and it has definetely become easier!!! I went on meds and did intense counselling in my dark days and even now I still have some crappy days but nothing on those days!! Be gentle on yourself which has I never did, believe in yourself and ask for as much help as you need big hugs and love Mumma xxx


Thank you. So much. It’s exactly what I needed to hear. I’m considering my meds - I don’t know what I’m afraid of. How long did you take your medication for? I guess I’m scared it’ll end up long term.


Let people know you need help. It does get easier but we need a team of supporters around us, particularly in the critical stages
