I currently work for a great organisation and have a really good team but an opportunity has come up for a new role that’s better pay and less commute. Do I tell my boss I’ve got an interview beforehand? What if I don’t get the job? I have both my immediate boss and general manager down as referees so I don’t want them getting a surprise phone call out of the blue in case it goes well - awkward, help!
8 Replies
I didn't tell a boss I had an interview, a few weeks went by and I forgot/figured I did not get it. The world is pretty small. My boss found out I got the job before me.
I arrived at work to find a very unhappy boss, asking me about a job I completely forgot about.
They let me go (knowing the position was one where they expected alot but didn't return the favour)
I went back 4 months later with my tail between my legs.
Hubby and I now run a business of our own.
We want to know when they are thinking about going as good staff are very hard to find.
Unfortunately businesses need staff to run, being 1 down puts everyone out.
Tell your manager(s). Nothing worse than a surprise reference call. Your managers will be caught off-guard and the person enquiring about you will likely know exactly what's happening. Better your second impression after the interview is one of honesty & transparency.
As for your boss, tell them you have an interview, mention the shorter commute & make this the primary reason maybe. They will understand. Honesty, honesty, honesty!
It might be awkward for the duration of the conversation, that's probably all. If you don't get the job, that'll be the end of it.
Good luck!
I don't EVER put referees down on my applications. When I'm fairly certain I'm going to be offered a position, then I normally choose referees who I no longer work with directly to give references. Make it clear to the interviewer that your referees are your current direct reports and perhaps request that you don't call them until you have a chance to word them up. Then see how the interview goes. They will surely understand!
Job rule 101, never use your current supervisors as referees and never tell them you are having an interview.
Was going to say dont tell until you get the job, unless you can afford to risk your job. But youve put them as a reference you need to ask before they get a surprise call.
I told three weeks before scheduled interview. I was honest and open and it led me to a 15k pay rise at my current work! :)
You didn't ask if they would be referees before naming them?
Depends if they are a referee or not. Some organisations insist on speaking to most recent line manager. If not, don't tell unless you have signed a contract. If yes, tell them you have an interview or ask interviewer to call you before they call your boss if you are the preferred candidate. Then you word them up.