Hey mummas. I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant, my current children are 8 and 10 so it's been awhile since I've gone through the public process of scans etc.
At what stage are the normal scans these days? I'm aware of the harmony blood test for down syndrome and genetic defects (but not neural tube defects), but if I choose not to do the blood test are you still offered the scan that used to happen?
We had a baby with anancephely 5 years ago, and the down syndrome scan is when this was discovered. I've also had 4 miscarriages since then and my anxiety is getting the better of me thinking I will have to wait for my 20 week scan to know that everything is fine.
I have my next doc appointment in 1.5 weeks, just hoping someone can answer my questions prior as Dr google isn't giving me the answers
Pregnancy scans
Pregnancy scans
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4 Replies
The blood tests are usually done at 10 weeks and the scan at 12 weeks so I'm surprised your doctor didn't discuss it with you because you would've needed to book them in. From my 12 week appointment my doctor checked the babies heartbeat every time I was in so that's always nice reassurance.
The only other scan done is the morphology scan at 20 weeks unless there are other risk factors involved
That's interesting, I had my blood test at 12 weeks and scan at 13 weeks! 🤔
Your scan & blood test are supposed to be done between 12-13 weeks. The blood test & scan go hand in hand. They use both to tell you your chance of having a baby with any issues. The harmony test is a different blood test and I'm not even sure it's offered unless there are issues bought up with your 12 week scan & blood test? The next scan is around 20 weeks and that is it unless there are any issues the doctor is concerned about.
I had my harmony at 10 weeks, nuchal scan at 12 weeks (instead of harmony if you want), 16 week and 20 week scans. I went private so had a lot more in between at my request and once I hit 20 weeks I went to fortnightly scans then weekly after 30 weeks :)