Toilet training help!?!?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toilet training help!?!?

My 2 year old, (2y4m) has been toilet training for the last bit over a month.
We started out with her being naked, and she was doing really well (no accidents for days) and taking herself ect.
We then introduced undies and she was having quite a few accidents (which would cause her to be upset as she hated the feeling) but then she seemed to get the hang off it and was only having 1-2 accidents a day.. she was wearing pull ups when we went out which we called undies and they would always stay dry and she was starting to go to the toilet in public ect.
In the last 3/4 days she’s now started to constantly wet her undies and not care one bit and won’t even tell us and continue to play/ won’t listen to us when we tell her to come get clean undies. She’ll also will also poo at times and not tell us. Also when we ask her if she needs to go she’ll say no, and then will wee 5 minutes later.. and won’t sit on the toilet unless she wants too.
If she’s naked she’ll take herself though.. and will ask for help if she needs it.

I’m stuck on what to do? I’m not sure do I just let her go naked again when at home and wait until she ask for undies? Or put her back in nappies until she starts asking for the toilet/ wait a few weeks and try again?
As she is still young!
She does ask for undies, most of the time though. I’m just so confused!!
Sorry it’s so long.

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training, Milestones

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd wait a bit and try again. 1 or 2 accidents every day is a lot. She doesn't sound ready yet.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Even when she’ll have no accidents if she’s naked? That’s why I’m so confused!

Anon Imperfect Mum

She's not ready. Just wait.

Anon Imperfect Mum

If she has no accidents when nudie, I would let her go nudie and put on a pull-up for trips out.
Maybe put her knickers out for her to see and when she wants to wear them you say ok but you can't wee in them, so you can only wear them if you go to the toilet when you need or when I tell you to (and take her every forty minutes etc)
Make sure you have a big song and dance when she goes on the toilet, or even sits on it, or tries even if she doesn't quite make it. We always used a small prize, a sticker or a chocolate drop or whatever they love.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Omg just leave it! She’ll get there when she’s ready
