Advice for toilet training

Anon Imperfect Mum

Advice for toilet training

Hi ladies!
Just after some toileting advice.
I’ve been attempting to train my daughter just before she turned 2, she was doing pretty well then something changed ( now almost 3) and she no longer wants to use a toilet or potty. She tells me when she needs to go but when I put her on the toilet she will just get off and either go on the floor or want a nappy put on because “ she’s still a baby and wants to wear a nappy” as she says..
Would you think she’s just not ready even though she can express when she needs to go or do you have any advice for me to help getting her to use the potty?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get rid of nappies entirely (except for bed) if you're still using them, it sounds like she's confused.
She's ready, it just sounds like she needs a gentle push in the right direction, keep encouraging her, keep patient and don't be discouraged by accidents (they're actually an important part of the process).

Also, maybe one of those over the toilet ladder seats may be better than a potty, my kids hated the potty so we trained straight on the toilet. We also decorated the toilet with my son, we had tinsel hanging from the window and a big poster of lightning McQueen on the wall 😂 it was pretty festive lol

Anon Imperfect Mum

2 is pretty young to be fully trained IMO, but I'm wondering is there a new baby in the family? It would explain the behaviour.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hi, my daughter was the same, so I waited until she was ready, but I started with the potty in the lounge room, on a towel just in case, and bit by bit I moved it closer to the toilet, until she was ready to use the big toilet, and be a big good and plus side to this was I haven’t had any night where she has had an accident, take your time and when she is ready she will tell you or show you
