Would you ever sign over your rights as a parent?
I'm a father, I haven't seen my son is maybe 5 months. I've been through sooo much mental strain to the point it's takin a toll physically.
I have tried all 10 years of my sons life just to have a Normal civil communication with his mother.
Cliche but she is the craziest woman I have ever dealt with in my life. I don't want to fight anymore! We have our own families, I thought with her moving on it'd make things easier. But now it's even harder because she wants this new guy to take over my role all together. Me and my partner have tried everything!!!!
This isn't an easy option.. but I have already tried everything. I know a real parent doesn't give up. But why the fuck do people have to be so petty for so long when things can be so simple. Any advice would be great please! I pay child support $500 pm, I pick him up and drop him off on time, have him when I'm allowed. I'm just done letting this asshole dictate my life. It's affecting my kids! They miss their brother! It's affecting my partner, she ffeels just as much guilt and anger as I do! This woman is delusional in every way! I can't take another year of the same shit when all I want is to be a father to my son! I've spent $30 grand in court, now in debt! I'm close to signing over my rights and pray e comes bac to me. But it's the inbetween I'll miss and will never get back even if he does. Yes! I've tried mediation, court! Everything! I lose because I'm in the navy and she has faked fb accounts with messages! What do I do? I'm just over all of this! Why the Fuck does it have to be so hard!!!!!!
6 Replies
I'm so sorry you are going through this. But signing away your rights won't take away your pain or your younger children's pain. It will add to his. You're past the half way mark. Once he has a license he can see you more easily. Once he's 18 you can stop dealing with her. Some women are vindictive. Sorry you have to deal with that, but he will see it for himself as he gets older.... As long as you tough it out and hang in there.
No, I would never sign my rights away. That will give the mum ammunition to turn the child against you. The child might not be able to see you now, but when the child is in his lates teens and twenties he may choose to open the door himself to seeing you. Leave that door open and don’t send that message to the child.
I’d consider stopping the court battle.
Signing your rights away does not stop child support coming after you for payments.
Why sign over rights though? Why not keep what you have in place officially? Maybe let him know its ok if he chooses not to come. Be prepared if she tells you he cant come. Keep up communication. Letters, parcels, gifts, postcards, get connected online and be present.
What else is there?
Never sign away rights I cant see how theres ever an excuse good enough to explain ehy you did that to your own child. thats on nobody else but you.
Don't stop fighting for your son, ever!
I can see you feel completely hopeless right now but signing away your rights is not the answer! By all means, take a step back if you think it's in his best interest and to get your finances back on track but don't sign away your rights because i feel that will nail the coffin shut on ever having some sort of relationship with him and if his mum is as vindictive and manipulative as you say, he's going to need you one day!
I suggest writing him letters as often as you can, there's absolutely nothing she can do about that but do keep copies to give to your son one day incase he never received them.
Obviously don't go into all the adult stuff, just ask him about his life, tell him about yours, tell him you love him and miss him etc. You may even find the writing to be cathartic and help you process your emotions.
I really hope things improve, it breaks my heart that you and your son are in this position.
I’m sorry this has happen to you my other half has not seen or talk to his daughter since she was 6 months old she is now 12 due to his mental health he chose not to fight as it would take his life away from out children yes I try to get him to fight but he felt he should just wait for her I think u need to do what u feel is right and best for ur life and mental health
Are you aware that facebook messages are actually not supposed to be admissable in the law of court, due to the fact there is not certainty that it is the person its said to be. If it is you can have her served with a summons to have the isp address looked at for location of where the messages originated from and to. On another note dont give up. If you are finding it mentally hard just take a step back for a little while. Write your son letters, send him birthday cards but take picture of them so if he doesnt get them you have proof. Try and go to public events ie sports where he may be, some women just like to make mens life hard and be an absolute dead beat mother to those fathers whom are trying and want to be apart of their kids lives. Its horrible you are going through this but please dont consider signing over your rights thats what she wants and if you do she wins.