Hi Sisters
I am sitting here a bit heartbroken and crying like a baby. I am not sure that anyone in my house will understand so am seeing if you have experienced the same and that I am not insane haha.
Today we were playing around and my older daughter said that if I ever broke up with her Dad she wouldn't want me to live with her as she would get sick of me. My younger daughter said that she would live with her Dad as he is more fun!!
I felt so worthless as a Mum at that point and so terribly broken. I love my kids with all my heart and to hear that I am just an annoyance or second best really breaks me. I just want to go and hide under a rock :-(
4 Replies
Kids say the most insulting things sometimes. I don't think they mean to be vicious with their words, they just don't have a filter, that 'Think before you speak' skill is still developing.
I also think kids don't really have the capacity to fully appreciate their mums until they're older (even adult aged). Dads are often the 'fun' parent and mums are often just seen the naggers, the disciplinarians, the maid, the chef, just 'mum' and not a person with feelings too...
A lot of the behind the scenes stuff we do for our kids can go unnoticed and unappreciated, you are certainly not worthless and I bet if it actually came down to you and her dad separating she would definitely change her tune.
It's a good teaching moment for her though.
Explain that her words really hurt your feelings and why, try not to take it personally xx
Typical kids!!!!
Kids see you as the boring one because you are the one that probably had to do the vast majority of actual parenting. Let’s face it most dad’s don’t do the day to day parenting, they swoop in and gave fun and swoop out again.
My husband's father hit him so hard his kidneys bled... When his mum considered leaving he wanted to live with dad because dad let him eat crap and by then he'd worked out that if he ran away when dad was angry, by the time he came back dad was calm. Mum was a brilliant mum. You're not second best. Your the one they see as the adult and dad is goofy fun. They don't love you less and they won't appreciate you less as adults.
Hey cool! Well dad can read bedtime stories tonight and you can kick back and relax!
Im the most annoying person in the world according to my 8 year old 😂 and dad is the fun one.
Kids say these things, they dont actually mean anything by it and they certainly love you like crazy. Tomorrow you will the favourite and daddy will be the annoying one. Dont take it personally otherwise your going to have a lot of days crying and feeling broken hearted. Seriously, my kid had to write about me for mother's day in his school writing journal and his main point was I do the smelliest farts. Gee! Thanks young son! Lets just not even notice all the amazing things I do every day 😂
Love from another second favourite parent ✌