


Hi! I was recently diagnosed with hyperemesis at 6 weeks pregnant. So as you can imagine, I’ve been very unwell. I already have 3 kids to run after, if there’s any tips to help the sickness, that would be so appreciated!
My second thing is, my partner has since my diagnosis been all hands on deck! Kids, cleaning, looking after me, running himself ruggered with also working himself. I’d like to get him something as a Thankyou. He’d honestly just love some sex and a good night sleep but I’m unable to give him either at the moment unfortunately! So does anyone have any not too costly ideas to help me come up with something? Thankyou.

Posted in:  Pregnancy

4 Replies


Can't help with the HG, the only thing that helped me was giving birth lol! I think there is more in terms of medication and understanding from doctors nowadays though so definitely have a chat with your doctors about your options!

As for your hubby - I know mine would appreciate his favorite meal, a 6 pack and some uninterrupted TV time lol.

Hope you're feeling better soon


hugs to you mumma, I did it 3 times but I had a wonderful support network who would take the kids or come and hang out with me at home so I could sleep and vomit away from the other kids. (Not my parented at the time though) Nothing helped me but my condition was exacerbated by my gall stones. Your husband sounds wonderfully helpful and high five to him!! Hopefully you feel a little better soon and can offer him up a little loving. Maybe get a babysitter to come over and help you for a night so he can go out for a steak and beer with the boys 😊Or even so he can head to bed early and they can get up to the kids for the both of you. Or a sleep over at a grad parents place?

The only thing I found that helped was eating totally clean. No fat all lean meat, lots of veg, no dairy, minimum carbs, with green tea with a bit of extra sugar or honey for a bit of energy.


I had HG and had to be medicated my whole pregnancy.
Tip 1: rest. I know this one is hard. I had an extremely energetic toddler at home. I would get my hubby to do a container of food for the day so my son could help himself when he got hungry. We would read a book, do a puzzle, watch a movie etc and then dad got to do the fun stuff.
Tip 2: ask for help. HG drains everything out of you. Makes sure you get help. If you don't have family/friends near by ask the hospital.
Tip 3: don't be too proud to go to the hospital. Get the fluids. You will need it.
Tip 4: if you find you can't pee well or it looks like fanta GO TO THE HOSPITAL! My baby and I nearly died because of Obstetric Cholestasis.
Tip 5: don't let anyone bully you about what you eat/drink. My baby was grown on coke, choc milk and boil chicken because that was all I could have without throwing it back up. Eat and drink what you can, when you can (even at 3am)

And an optional one... It's okay to punch people in the face who tell you that ginger is the magical cure all and those who say "it's only morning sickness" (joking about the punching lol)

Cass Laughton

B6 & restavit help a little 😊 as for pressie for hubby, personally I think the fact that you are so sick whilst growing an entire human inside you for him is thanks enough lol
