I have my first job interview tomorrow after being fired last year. I’m so incredibly nervous I haven’t had an interview In years 😱
If all goes well in the interview I’ll have a trial on Friday morning to see if the salon is the correct fit for me.
What do I need to ask in the interview? And what else do I need to know
10 Replies
There's nothing you really need to ask. But maybe asking about the team? Show you are interested in a happy work environment
I am a hairdresser if that’s the type of salon you’re referring too... if so, I usually ask about the salon culture and if they work together as a team environment, who else I’d be working along with and if they think personalities will suit/have thins in common. Usually ask if there is any equipment I need to bring along. Hours/days they are after if they haven’t specified. Ect
Yup I’m a hairdresssing apprentice :)
I know the seniors who work there are in their 60s :) hopefully I don’t get nervous and forget what to ask
Any interview I go to I look at it as an "informal chat" be yourself, show interest and go with the flow. At the end of the day all you are doing is meeting and having a chat. Good luck 😉
I’ve always been a younger one working with older hairdressers and I Said in my last job interview that that’s what I prefer. I asked about the clientele too (which they said was older) and I said that I enjoy the older clients and that I feel like I suit that rather then a majority of younger salons, which might be something good to mention to get some browny points.
I prefer an older clientele because I feel like I can relate to them more, they are so much easier to engage with. Same with the workers, so much easier to engage/get along with and less bitchiness
When I done my phone interview the owner seemed happy I’m 24,
Just asked how much drive I had for a job and I told her if I was asked to scrub a toilet I’d do it with a smile because I had my dream job of working in a salon :)
I prefer older clients :$ most of my regulars at my old salon and at tafe are older ladies haha they love I can wind a set in under 15 minuets
Sounds exactly like me. I love doing the perms and sets. And in an older salon, you’ll probably have a lot of them to do which is good. Talking about those things will definitely help you, if you haven’t already won them over hahaha
Just hope they like me haha
I was badly bullied in my last salon cuz of my weight and the fact I didn’t have lots of money to buy new clothes every week or the fact I don’t wear revealing clothing
I’m hoping this will be more of a positive experience :)
Oh gosh, I hope it’s definitely a more positive experience this time. I feel hairdressing can be such a competitive and very judgemental job but it’s hard when it’s your love and passion.
Oh that sucks! Good luck and glad you're getting back out there x