How much bored do people charge the children. Mines 20 works full time at the moment he pays $75 a week due to our rent going up and hydro we have spoke about upping his bored probably to $100 a week he thinks this is unfair as its not his problem if the bills go up I fill bad asking
20 Replies
I paid $150 a week working part time and I have a car to run and my own bills and had to buy my own food.
If the bills went up my board went up
That’s life. I mean in A rental if the rent goes up $50 a week you’ cant just not pay the extra
I think it’s fair to ask that much
I think $100 board is fair. He is an adult and if he moved out into his own rental he probably wouldn't find one that cheap depending on where you live.
So for $100 per week he gets food, bedroom, electricity, gas and doesn’t have to live in a filthy share house???
Can I move in?
It’s a great deal and if he has full time work he has plenty of money to save and spend.
If he moved out it would cost him a hell of a lot more and it’s your job to prep him for the next stage of life not enable him to stay in this stage!
$100 is fair - tell him to take it or leave it! Wherever he goes he'll need to pay his way and it'll be a lot more than $100 a week!
I would consider how much he earns and whether he is saving for study/a house/a car etc. If he's on a poorly paid apprenticeship and having to buy tools etc I wouldn't raise it. You're still the mum. I guess it's a matter of whether increasing it teaches him responsibility or stops him from building something good like a career/future financial security.
No not saving a cent and or anything with his money
I’d up it to $120 then and tuck the $20 away for him for later in life
If you’re a single parent renting you don’t have the luxury of financially supporting adult children in the way you might like to 😔
Don't feel bad. Tell him to go live elsewhere if he's going to be a brat about it. Sure is his problem if the bills go up - and would be more so if he moved out and rented with friends. It is what it is. It's $100 bucks a week or he moves out. Even with min wage he'd be living pretty large with only that amount to pay for rent. I'd also be making him put away 30% of his income in savings too.
I paid $100 per week when I lived at home and that was on apprentice wages.
I think if I could afford to not charge my children anything I would but unfortunately most of us just can’t make do without some help once they are bringing in an income. I think whatever suits you is reasonable and if he isn’t happy with it, he could move out and soon realise $100 is little to nothing compared to the actual amount of living these days
I personally don’t agree with having to pay board, thankfully I never had to although I was always saving and paid my own phone bills, petrol and any luxuries.
I think 10% of his wages is a fair amount to ask for. And any extra food or drink he wants he buys!
Until he's old enough to be owning his own home and is bumming off you I don't really agree with board. I think it's a means to getting them to move out really. After all, they don't stop being your kid or start costing more money at 18.
Sure they don't 🙄 never going to expect mine to move out of home at 18 but I sure am gonna quit being there cook and cleaner and I'm definitely not going to be saying here live at home for free whilst earning full time wages. If you're earning 400-500 dollars a week after tax and you can't give your mum $150 to live there then you're an entitled little brat who needs a reality check.
I don’t think we should encourage our adults to be bumming off of anyone, even there parents!
He is an adult, adults cost more to feed etc than children.
It’s our job as parents to teach even our adult children how to be ready for the real world. The real world expects an adult to contribute to there expenses.
$100 a week would not even cut it!
Teaching your kids to be financially independent is one of the best skills you could provide for them. 20 year old who works full time and lives at home who doesn't pay their own way is financially irresponsible. Imagine the financial shock going from living rent/groceries/living expense free, to having to pay rent/mortagage, rates, insurance, water, gas, electricity and food.
To the op- what a great foundation you are providing for your adult son. Upping his board to $100 sounds like a brilliant idea. I think you will have raised an independent son when they time comes for him to fly the nest.
Tell him he could always move out and try paying $75 dollars a week for all expenses or he can pay you $100 and stop whining like an entitled little brat who's so hard done by. I moved out of home at 17. I'm now 33, I never moved home again. If you're 20 and living at home and working full time you need to chip in and be an actual adult. Tell him you can always up it to $150 and cut out the food/clothes cleaning service. Then he can see what it's like to be a real adult.
I think you need a medal ....
Honestly he has it pretty good. As soon as I got a job I started paying $100 a week to my mum and stepdad plus bought any extra snack stuff I wanted if I wanted it. And before that my mum got to keep what centrelink gave me per fortnight which was $200 so was still paying $100 a week then too at 14
What does he do around the house? Does he buy his own food? Cook for himself? Do his own washing? Do any cleaning? Contribute in any way, other than the $75 a week currently being paid? If he does nothing I’d be upping it to $200 a week. He needs to realise that he has it pretty good to still be able to live at home. Show home your budget, bills, rent/mortgage, income. Make him understand that he won’t have it so easy once he moves out and is responsible for everything himself, without your help.
My son is 18, in year 12 and is now receiving the disability pension. He pays $100/week. That’s for room/bills/food/clothing. I have to pay rent (550/wk). I receive a carers pension plus I work for myself (spasmodic and very much part time). It’s called independence and contributing to the household. I have a boarder who pays $200/wk which includes all utilities (including unlimited wifi and Netflix) but not food.
If your son thinks it unfair, suggest to him he move into a share house, he’ll be paying a lot more than that, plus utilities plus food plus being responsible for everything.