Have you ever just quit your job to work on yourself?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have you ever just quit your job to work on yourself?

Has anyone ever just quit their job without having another one and just taken a few months out? How did it go?
I am deeply unhappy in my job and I feel like it's not for me, there are bullying and other issues. I feel like an anxious wreck most of the time and I really wish I had more time with my kids.
Long story short there have been many traumatic events that have happened and they have really taken their toll on my physical and mental wellbeing and I just want to reduce stress and take a few months to work on me for once!
I feel like my husband is not on board as he likes the income which I get but I have also been feeling like $ does not buy happyness and by not putting myself first I am not going to live a long happy life.
Problem is I am scared. What if when I'm ready to work again I can't get work? What if we get hit with huge expenses? What if I am giving up a good income and it was a mistake? What if I get more depressed?
I feel like a lost soul and I'm sick of feeling guilty when I need to put my kids first. I don't know what to do but all I know is something has got to give!! I want to travel, I want to paint my house, I want to pick my son up from school, I want to be happy and not a cranky tired unwell mum. Help!

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Kids, Money

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Taking unprecedented time out, with no goal or plan in place is asking for disaster.
Most mothers who have diagnosed depression took time out “to work on themselves” as they felt they are going down a spiral have gone down that path as they’re we’re just “existing”. It made depression worse and decreased the likelihood of finding more employment, became more anxious, and found themselves more lost and more stressed.
You need a goal. Something to motivate you. And yes - you need a job, even a part timer or a casual job will allow you to keep some structure whilst giving you more freeedom to seek what excites you.
Travel - find a job that allows you to travel?
Painting the house - why can’t you do this already? It sounds like a weekend off or day off type job? Or take some leave from work to accomplish these tasks
Casual job so you can pick your son up from school. If you find th right job ((or create your own business)) you can have that flexibility.

My aim is to tell you - have a plan. Have a goal, what do you want to achieve from “working on you”

Anon Imperfect Mum

I feel like I’m in the same position and I’m too afraid to leave in case it’s too hard to find more work when I’m ready. My husband is on board and keeps telling me to leave every time I come home from work an anxious mess but I just can’t. I don’t have any advice but I’ll be checking in on the comments

Anon Imperfect Mum

Personally I wouldn’t quit without having another job lined up. It is a massive risk especially when you have mouths to feed. I definitely think if there is bullying of any sort it is time to put the feelers out there and see what is available. If it is family time you want are you in a position to take a holiday? I would make changes to your home life and get creative. Think of some fun new ideas and make it more about the quality of time you spend with them. Or would you consider something like hiring a cleaner to free up some more time for the family? (and have one less thing you need to do). Not sure how old you are but last year I went through a serious “30 something and over it” stage and I was just over the whole work thing. I swear it’s a real thing! I have come through the other end and am back to being positive and motivated about work again. I also dreamt of just spending time with my daughter and quitting 😂 Good luck - I hope it is the latter and it passes soon :-)

Anon Imperfect Mum

If you need a job for financial reasons, like the rest of us, no I wouldn’t quit your job. Where I live, unemployment is incredibly high and it’s harder to get a job when you don’t have one. It depends what you do really and if your skills are in high demand, by from your post, I don’t get that impression. Start looking for a new job or find your passions with hobbies/outside paid work. Hubby sounds like he would also be stressed, carrying all the financial weight. Maybe look into doing some courses whilst working in something you are interested in to increase your chances of getting a different job.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would explore all options first. Go to a counsellor (if your not already), ask to reduce your hours or get a transfer. If you still feel like you need more time out, ask for leave with or without pay (whatever you have available). Maybe after some time out and getting yourself feeling better and more positive, things at work won't seem so bad. Getting a job can be hard and I would be wary of quitting your job if you don't have to. Good luck, at the end of the day you need to do what is best and right for you!

Rachel Munchkin

Can you apply for leave without pay for an extended time?

Anon Imperfect Mum

if that’s what you want and feels right for your circumstances do it
It might just help you end up being where you are meant to be or feeling more fulfilled.
Maybe you could just take a month off and see where you are at after that.
I always say - everything always works out and it truly does - so stressing about the what if’s are so not worth it
Hard times are lessons learned to grow accept them and ride the flow that is life. Do what makes you happy
Don’t continue to suffer in circumstances that you don’t like, that only you can change.
I left a job after 8 years at my husbands dismay due to high pressure and stress (should have left a long time before that). Financially for me it sucks but I’m so much happier now. It’s almost been 12 months I work 3 days for a lot less money but for a boss who appreciates me and gives me flexibility with my kids. Best decision I ever made!!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Different idea, can you take a career break? Doesn’t risk your job but gives you unpaid time off? Or use all annual leave for a break, but I think you need a plan, maybe see a professional to work through the problems. Get an exercise plan, and have a plan for the kids then it won’t feel overwhelming or unorganised. By having a plan you will have alone time and time with kids... also have a job to go back to and happy hubby
