Struggling #2 pregnancy

Anon Imperfect Mum

Struggling #2 pregnancy

I’m really struggling with my second pregnancy, I’m exhausted physically and mentally.
I’ve only got 4 weeks to go, but all I can’t help but do is feel guilty for our first child,(2.5 year old) we barely do any of the fun things we use to do as I physically feel sick and so goddam exhausted. So she’s either inside playing with her toys or watching TV, which I just feel shit about
It probably doesn’t help, I’ve gone back to barely eating anything decent as I don’t have the energy/ just don’t feel well enough.

Our first child is going to hate me, if this is what’s to come with a newborn. I just want my energy back, I didn’t struggle this much with my first.
I have a supportive/ helpful partner thankfully, which makes things easier.
Just every day is a struggle.
What have I done to myself.
I just want to sleep constantly, I want this baby out so I can focus on getting myself back to healthy shape

I not even really wanting advice more of a rant.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Pregnancy

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I could’ve written this myself while I was pregnant with my 2nd (my first was about the same age) I cried so much that my 1st was going to hate me for taking away from “us”. Guess what? She LOVES her sister. Like crazy. Too much sometimes. They’re inseparable. And my 1st is currently laying on me saying “mummy I love you” Nothing could’ve been further from the truth when it came to my negative talk. Best of luck Mumma. You’ll get there soon enough and it make take time to get back on track but it’ll be worth it in the end. I promise.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This stage of pregnancy is so hard, you're tired, you're emotional, you're uncomfortable and possibly in pain, you're just over being pregnant!
Second (and subsequent) pregnancies are harder and take a bigger physical toll because with your first you are able to focus entirely on yourself, second time around you have another person to care for as well as yourself.

Being pregnant and having a new born is an adjustment and your lives will change, but not in a bad way it's just different.

The good thing is, kids are adaptable. Your daughter will not hate you. Soon enough things will return to a new normal.

We aren't super heroes, if you need to sleep then sleep, whatever you need to do to manage at this point - do it! Try and stop putting so much pressure and guilt on yourself, you're growing an entire person, your needs matter too!
