Apologies for the long post but looking for some ideas. I am a Mum of a very active 4yo boy and wife to an amazing husband. My husband works full time, and currently my son is in kindy full time. When my son was born I didn’t know or didn’t have the health conditions I do now. I am unable to work, most days I can’t drive, and at times I can be bedridden. I have several ongoing and chronic health conditions that have severely impacted both my mental and physical health. It has been 3 very long years, and the impact on my family has been massive. My husband works 60 hour weeks, plus all the cooking and daily cleaning, and cares for our son. Essentially he is almost a single parent. After such a long time the cracks have well and truely appeared and my husband just isn’t coping with everything. He is amazingly supportive of me and our son, but he is only one man and can’t do it alone. We have no relatives close by, and all our close friends work full time or have families of their own. We get a fortnightly cleaner in, but that’s all. We have started talking about getting an au pair to help us out, and maybe get some resemblance of a life back. I feel a large amount of guilt and I never wanted my child to be in kindy, daycare full time or cared by someone else, but life hasn’t given my family a choice. The only way I can support my family is by looking into extra home support. We have tried occasional babysitting but it isn’t enough. We are all so worn down. Does anyone have any ideas how we can go about getting someone to help with daily life and caring for my son? Is an au pair the best solution??
Thank you for all your help.
Practical family support
Practical family support
Posted in:
Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Kids
3 Replies
Have you got a NDIS plan? You should be able to get supports with that funding to help look after you/ your son.
NDIS isn’t available in my area yet so they aren’t doing assessments u til that is rolled out
An au pair is a great option. My sister in law and brother have one and they're sooooo much happier! My sister in law is on mat leave and she doesn't even wake up until 9am now and the baby and toddler are dressed, fed and happily playing and the kitchen is clean. Then she goes to her English course and comes home and helps with dinner /bedtime as well. Cheaper than daycare too so you could keep your eldest in a little for social interaction if needed and on the other days, read books, sing, play in a way that isn't physical.